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Risks of straightening hair are too small to stop, say doctors and women

Risks of straightening hair are too small to stop, say doctors and women


Oct 20, 2022 – Clarissa Gazi applies an lye relaxer containing the chemical sodium hydroxide to her hair two to three times a year.

A Recent Study That Made Headlines Over the potential link between hair straighteners and uterine cancer, she won’t stop.

“This research is not enough to say that I avoid this because [the researchers] Don’t prove that relaxer use causes cancer,” says Gazi.

In fact, the increased risk of uterine cancer among women who frequently use hair straighteners reported in this study is unlikely to be addressed by their primary care physician.

Regular users of hair straighteners (those who use them at least four times a year) Researchers found that women were 2.55 times more likely to be diagnosed with uterine cancer than women who had never used these products.

in the recently published papers In this study, the authors assessed the adjusted risk of uterine cancer in women who had “straightened”, “relaxed”, or used “hair press products” in the 12 months prior to study enrollment. 80% higher.

The finding is “genuine, but small,” says Douglas S. Paauw, M.D., an internist and professor of medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle.

peacockwas one of several primary care physicians interviewed for this article and expressed little concern about the impact of the study on patients.

“We have hundreds of things that are supposed to be discussed in a 20-minute clinic visit, so this doesn’t work,” says Paauw.

While it’s nice to be able to answer questions patients might ask about this new study, he says the study proves nothing.

Physician Alan Nelson, MD, an internist and endocrinologist and former special counsel to the CEO of the American College of Physicians, says that while the study is well done, the actual number of cases of uterine cancer detected is low. It says less.

One reason he doesn’t recommend discussing the study with patients is that the study didn’t identify the brand of hair product used to straighten the hair.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Alexandra White, asked participants to simply ask, “How often have you or someone else straightened or relaxed your hair or used a hair press product in the past 12 months? How much?” he said.

The terms “straight,” “relax,” and “hair press products” were not defined, and some women interpreted the term “press products” to mean non-chemical products such as flat irons. It’s possible,” says White, who also heads the Environmental and Cancer Epidemiology Group at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Dermatologist Crystal Aguh, M.D., associate professor of dermatology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, tweeted the following advice in light of the new findings: For now, if you want to change your routine, reducing the frequency of straightening to every 12 weeks or more for her may reduce the risk, so there’s no downside. ”

She also added, “Styles such as relaxers, silk presses, and keratin treatments should only be done by professionals as they reduce the chance of hair damage and scalp irritation.

“Also encourage women to look for hair products that are free of parabens and phthalates (commonly listed as ‘fragrances’) in their products to minimize exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals.” I recommend it.

not ready to go curly

Gazi says he made the decision to stop using keratin straighteners years ago after learning they were made with a few additional ingredients. This includes the chemical formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, according to the American Cancer Society.

“People have been relaxing their hair for a very long time, and I’m more comfortable using it. [a relaxer] I straighten my hair more than anyone else,” says Gazi.

Janaki Ram, who has had her hair chemically straightened, was not particularly concerned that straightening would cause cervical cancer based on the findings, but the chemicals in these products may have other side effects. He said it was a reminder that it could harm the body part. How.

She says new research results, knowledge of the damage that straightening does to hair, and the longer time it takes to get keratin treatments lead to less frequent straightening.

“Going forward, we plan to do this once a year instead of twice a year,” she says.

The study’s author, White, said in an interview that what’s important to consumers is that women who reported using hair straighteners/relaxers and press products frequently were those who reported not using them at all. more than twice as likely to develop uterine cancer as compared to Use of these products in the previous year.

“But because uterine cancer is relatively rare, these increased risks are modest,” she says. “Infrequent use of these products was not strongly associated with risk.” These findings are more relevant to black women because black women used these products most frequently.”

“We estimated that 1.64% of women who had never used a curling iron would develop uterine cancer by the age of 70. However, for frequent users, the risk rose to 4.05%.” said White. statement.

“While one of the original goals of this study was to better understand the environmental and genetic causes of breast cancer, research into ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, and many other cancers and chronic diseases has expanded. I’m also interested in,” White said in an interview.




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