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What’s the point of bliss, how it hides even for “healthy” food


Steph Schatz, a certified nutritionist at the weight loss app Second Nature, says blissful foods have the power to “disabling the natural “stop” signal in the brain that tells us when we are full and satisfied. ..

“It also releases a neurotransmitter, a happiness hormone called dopamine. Happiness hormones give us a sense of reward and joy. When we check something from our to-do list. It’s the same feeling.”

It’s important to understand that the food industry spends a lot of money and that we have the resources, researchers, and psychologists to develop these foods.

Steph Schatz, Second Nature Certified Nutritionist

Schats explains that it allows you to associate certain foods with happiness and directs the brain to return to this behavior when stressed or comfort is needed.

U.S. award-winning journalist and author Michael Moss says that the idea of ​​bliss may apply to foods that are considered “healthy,” although the idea of ​​bliss may remind you of more famous snacks like biscuits and chips. It is also explained that it is a concept that is being done. Saccharosefat: how the food giant fascinated us..

“As more and more people care about what they put in their bodies, the whole processed food industry is scrambling to make their products look healthy, many of them like counterfeit products,” Moss says.


“In an effort to increase sales, companies may reduce sugar a little and add protein and call it health. The rest is designed to always be blissful. The product is It is still highly processed, high in calories, and lacks good things like fiber.

“But given what we get, it’s easy to be fooled by the health similarities [pulled] By their marketing and marketing in front of their packaging. “

Schats agrees and says the ingredients are included in foods that you may not expect to include them. She notes adding sugar to ready-made dips such as guacamole and hummus, salad dressings, “healthy” popcorn, raw desserts, muesli bars, canned soups and yogurts.

“It’s important that the food industry spends a lot of money and knows that resources, researchers and psychologists can develop these foods to bring us back to more people,” Schatz said. Says.

“There is such a brand [are healthier] If you look behind the list of ingredients more than many ready-made products than others, you can see that they have added salt and sugar. “

UNSW associate professor Dr. Alison Jones of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering says that when a company is trying to market a food product, it’s “dangerous”.

“So if you have money, you spend money on market research, sensory research, etc.,” Jones says.

“The products are sitting on shelves competing with each other, and you’re trying to make sure your product has a competitive advantage.”

UNSW professor Johannes Le Coultre, who also worked in the food industry, said he did not support the notion of bliss and encourages a “simplified” view of the obesity crisis.

“Food producers try to cater to food preferences, why don’t they do that?” he asks. “Nobody wants to make bad food.”

Le Coutre says it is more valuable to focus on your unhealthy eating behaviors, such as eating in front of the TV and focusing on a balanced diet.

“It’s easier to blame food producers for being defensive than taking responsibility for themselves.”

Gilnicolle, 58, director of museums in Sydney, had a hard time eating, but knowing when bliss was like a light bulb moment, helping to reduce her fault.

“I ate a whole biscuit or half a cake and was really scared because I couldn’t control myself,” Nicole says. “This reminds me that I’m not the only weak and weak. I’m fighting more than you think.”


Since January, I’ve been focusing on eating slowly and carefully, and making my own food as much as possible.

An important part of Schats’s advice is to read the list of ingredients behind all products, even those claiming to be healthy. She recommends comparing two or three of the same type of product to see the added sugar, salt and fat content.

“Look at the points where they are listed in the ingredient list. [near the] Higher sugar products are at the top than they are at the bottom of the list. “

Schatz warns that nutrition panels often do not distinguish between naturally occurring sugars (such as lactose in milk) and added sugars, but if you have products that do not contain naturally occurring sugars, then roughly The rule of thumb states that it should be less than 5 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

Schats also recommends that you be strongly aware of why you are reaching for certain foods that may be high in sugar and fat.

“If you’re really hungry and want to eat something really good, but if you’re stressed or depressed… another strategy that isn’t food-based to give you the same reward It’s important to think about: Calling friends to boost energy, going for a light walk, taking a warm bath, listening to your favorite music.”

It’s a good idea to check in yourself for a feeling of hunger during your meal. “Try to break the automated habit of returning more when you are full.”

In his book, Moss assures that while food makers are “allied with salt, sugar, and fat,” they should know that people have the power to choose.

“After all, we decide what to buy. We decide how much to eat.”

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