What is Gland Plague? -BBC News
Suspected cases of gland plague have been reported to Chinese authorities.
It is unknown how the patient became infected, But the country is on the alert for more cases.
Plague, one of the deadliest illnesses in human history, is now easily treatable with antibiotics.
What is Gland Plague?
Plague is a potentially deadly infection It is caused by a bacterium called Yersinia plague and its fleas that live in some animals, mainly rodents.
Gland plague is the most common type of disease that people can have. The name comes from the symptom it causes-a painful, swollen lymph node or “temporal” in the groin or armpit.
From 2010 to 2015, 3,248 cases were reported worldwide with 584 deaths.
Historically, it has also been called black death, in connection with the catastrophic blackening and death of body parts such as the fingers and toes that can occur with illness.
What is it for?
People usually get sick with gland plague between 2 and 6 days after infection.
The soft, enlarged lymph nodes can grow large, like a chicken egg, but other symptoms include fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, and tiredness.
Plague also affects the lungs, causing coughing, chest pain, and dyspnea.
Bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause sepsis or a condition called sepsis, which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death.
How do you catch
People can catch it:
- Bites of infected fleas
- Touch infected animals such as rats and mice
- Inhalation of infected respiratory droplets spread by infected persons and animals
Domestic cats and dogs can become infected if they are bitten by fleas or eat infected rodents.
If a person comes into close contact with the blood of an infected animal, the infection can also enter the body through cuts in the skin.
Current vigilance in China prohibits hunting and eating of animals that may carry plague.
The body of a person who has died from a plague can be transmitted to people in close contact, such as those preparing to bury the body.
Is there a cure or cure?
Prompt treatment with antibiotics is essential. The disease is often fatal if left untreated.
Early diagnosis using laboratory tests on blood and other body samples can save lives.
Are there any new epidemics or pandemics?
Plague is still present in many parts of the world. In recent years there have been outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Madagascar.
The plague was responsible for the outbreak of the disease in the Middle Ages, but today’s outbreaks are thankfully small.
Dr. Matthew Dryden, Microbiology Consultant, University of Southampton, UK. “It’s good that this was picked up and reported early, as it can be quarantined, treated and prevented from spreading.
“Gland plague, unlike covid-19, is easily treated with antibiotics because it is caused by bacteria. So this may be surprising, but another major infectious disease emerging from the east. And may be a single suspected case treated immediately.”
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