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Tridemic fears rise as RSV, flu and COVID cases rise

Tridemic fears rise as RSV, flu and COVID cases rise


COVID, flu and RSV cases are on the rise ahead of cold and flu season, raising fears of a triple epidemic.

CLEVELAND — Significant increase in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases. Northeast Ohio.

Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital says it’s seeing a spike in RSV in both EDs and hospitalized patients. Dr. Claudia Hoyen said today that she is admitting about four to five children each day with RSV, and that the pediatric ICU has treated about 40 children with her RSV this month alone.

Both Rainbow and Cleveland Clinic Children’s are also starting to see flu cases. A little higher for school-aged children.

They have seen an increase in RSV cases over the past few weeks. As of Monday, her RSV-positive rate among children aged 0-5 was 46%. The prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) among elementary school students (ages 6-12) was 28%.

Therese Linnon, M.D., a pediatrician at Akron Children’s Hospital, admitted about 80 children (hospitalized or on observation) diagnosed with RSV last week, but that level of hospitalization is typically 12. I won’t see you until the end of the month.

She sent us the most common questions parents ask.

What are the most frequent symptoms respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? What is the first symptom? How do viruses usually progress?

The most common symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) resemble those of the common cold, such as a stuffy or runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever, and mild headache. You may also notice changes in behavior that are as important as your cold-like symptoms. For example, in infants, you may notice poor feeding, irritability, fatigue, and infrequent diapers. Young children and older infants may lose their appetite several days before coughing. This symptom is often followed by sneezing, fever, and sometimes wheezing.

RSV infections often occur in outbreaks, usually lasting about a week. In some cases, the infection may last longer. RSV infection can lead to bronchiolitis and pneumonia (this situation is especially true for premature babies, infants under the age of one year, and children with diseases that affect the heart, lungs, or immune system). RSV infection can also cause dehydration.

How do doctors usually diagnose RSV? Why is it important to get a proper diagnosis?

Doctors usually diagnose RSV through tests and taking a medical history. For an otherwise healthy child, it is usually not necessary to distinguish between a cold and her RSV. However, for children with more serious symptoms or health conditions, the doctor will test a runny nose to make her specific RSV diagnosis. If that step is required, collect a sample for testing by aspirating with a cotton swab or with a bulb syringe.

Are certain children at increased risk of severe disease? How contagious is RSV?

RSV is highly contagious because it spreads through droplets whenever someone sneezes or coughs. In fact, most children have been infected with her RSV at least once by the age of two.

In general, most cases of RSV are mild and do not require treatment. However, RSV infection can be more serious for babies and may require hospital treatment.

How is RSV commonly treated?

If you don’t need treatment, RSV can be managed at home by:

  • Make your child as comfortable as possible
  • give enough time for recovery
  • Make sure your child is drinking plenty of fluids
  • treat fever with non-aspirin fever medicine such as acetaminophen (ibuprofen can treat fever if child is 6 months or older)

In severe cases, such as in babies, hospital treatment may be required. There, you can be monitored closely, stay hydrated, and get treatment for breathing problems if needed.

What are the signs of dealing with a potential emergency regarding RSV? When should parents go to the ER?

Call your doctor or health care provider if your child has a high fever or develops a fever after having a cold. If your child becomes ill or has a cough. If your child is wheezing; If your child has a thick nasal discharge; If your child has a cough that produces yellow, green, or gray mucus; If your child is breastfed or bottle fed If you refuse to breastfeed. Or if your child is showing symptoms of dehydration.

If your child has trouble breathing or is breathing very quickly, has signs of dehydration, is very sleepy, or has blue nails or lips, see a doctor immediately.

“After dramatic COVID-related declines in 2020 and 2021, we expect the 2022-23 season to be tougher than usual. Each year’s RSV will provide some background immunity for the following year. The mild season of 2020 and 2021 has led to this, the news is that we know how to control this, following the usual winter virus prevention procedures (distance, hand washing, masks, staying home if you have symptoms and vaccination if available), talk with your provider to see if your infant is at high risk for the severe RSV category. What additional precautions are available for your baby? There may be.

He said that RSV infection in premature babies, babies with heart disease who are on medication, and babies with complex or chronic lung disease can have life-altering/fatal consequences. I am adding.

As for the scare of a twindemic or tridemic season, meaning someone has COVID, the flu, or RSV, it might be theoretically possible, but there aren’t enough studies to understand the scenario. Basically you will get what you are exposed to.

But there are ways to protect yourself, especially your children. Flu shots and her bivalent vaccine for her COVID are readily available and may make the bad season a little more bearable, according to local medical experts.




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