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The US is an “outlier” in the global coronavirus fight, says former CDC director


Call the United States the “outlier” among countries that would otherwise be successful in curbing border expansion CoronavirusThe former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is wrong to reopen public spaces such as bars early on Monday, and the country pays for it. Dramatic spikes in cases and hospitalization..

Dr. Tom Frieden, President and Chief Executive Officer Solve and save lives (An initiative to prevent the epidemic) and also responded to President Donald Trump’s comments this weekend with “CBS This Morning” 99% of coronavirus cases are “harmless”. Said viral complications are not fully understood.

Dr. Tom Frieden, President and CEO of Resolve to Save Lifes, and former CDC Director.

CBS News

“I think part of the challenge here is the loss of nuances,” Dr. Frieden told co-host Gale King. “Some say this is hoax, fake, not serious. Others might say it’s the worst thing in the world, the zombie apocalypse. This is a horrible pandemic. Killed 130,000 Americans, who suffer from many illnesses, and we still don’t know what the long-term complications of some illnesses are [are].. But it’s true that 99% of those who get it will survive.

“We need a more subtle approach. So far, the virus has a dominance in much of the United States, and most of the United States. If we work together, we can regain the upper hand. You can bring your children back to school, and in the fall you can restart the economy and prevent death, but to do that, you need to get together to stop the virus. No. You have to stop.”

To do this, he said he had to follow “Three Ws:”, “Wear a mask, wash your hands, and observe the distance.”

Dr. Frieden also said that strategic testing is needed, pointing out that those who focus on just a few of the tests taken are “totally misunderstood.”

King asked, “President is blaming the surge [in cases] About the increase in testing. Does he have points? ”

“It’s true that we’re doing more testing, but as we’ve discovered much more, it’s clear that this is a real increase,” Dr. Frieden replied. “It’s not necessary to tell the truth to doctors in emergency rooms, who currently handle large numbers of patients throughout the southwest, southeast, and southwestern parts of the United States. That’s true.”

Increasing cases have emerged among the younger populations, partly because the economy has reopened, allowing crowds to come together and many not wearing masks. “Opening the bar early is a mistake, and we pay for it,” Dr. Frieden said.

“But there are some things that everyone can do to calm this down. If you are a young adult, keep in mind that you do not want to experience the illness or death of an older relative with a lifetime conscience. All exposed people need to be isolated, those who are within 6 feet of others need to wear a mask, there is so much we can do, and there is no one perfect answer. It is a comprehensive response.

“Gail, we are outliers. Countries around the world, including Africa, Asia, and Europe, control the virus. It’s not easy, but we can’t.”

Scientists Ask World Health Organization “Is there any new information or new concerns about how the virus spreads to update how the virus spreads?”

“We still don’t know some of the details, which is one of the reasons we need to do a detailed investigation of all cases,” Dr. Frieden said. “I’m constantly learning about great fashion reactions.

“What is the debate among scientists, and how common is what is called aerosol permeation? This means that the particles stay in the air for 1-2 hours. I know it happens. Certain procedures occur in medical facilities; they occur when a chorus sings, it spits out particles that can infect many people, and from contaminated surfaces. It’s a fact of spread, but for all these things, wearing a mask can really make a big difference: everybody needs to wear a mask when they’re within 6 feet of others Why is there?”


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