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fungal pathogens; the possibility of a “triple demic”;why we love horror

fungal pathogens; the possibility of a “triple demic”;why we love horror


WHO warns about fungal pathogens

Published by the World Health Organization of the United Nations It was the first list of dangerous fungal pathogens and warned that several drug-resistant strains were growing and posing a threat to human health. and recommended further development of diagnostics and therapeutics.

The list included 19 fungal pathogens. Fungal infections often strike people who are already seriously ill, such as cancer patients and patients. tuberculosisSuch infection rates spiked among hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the pandemic.

Few treatments: According to the WHO, there are few new options in the development pipeline, with only four treatments in existence.

They spread: Climate change has resulted in more pathogens occurring in wider geographic areas, and antifungal overuse in agriculture is driving drug resistance in part.

Most dangerous: Important groups include Candida earIt is highly drug resistant and has caused many outbreaks in hospitals around the world. Cryptococcus neoformans; Aspergillus fumigatus; When Calbican.

Possible COVID-Flu-RSV “Triple Demic”

Infectious disease experts warn of the potential “triple demic” of influenza, COVID-19, and this winter’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Red flags include increased influenza activity in the southeastern and south-central regions of the country this month and a surge in her RSV in children.

Meanwhile, according to the CDC, the number of COVID-19 cases is trending downward. But epidemiologists are keeping an eye on the emerging subspecies, and some models predict he’ll see a spike in COVID-19 before Christmas or in 2023.

Flu stats: There were 1,674 flu hospitalizations in the week ending 21 October, more than in the summer but less than 2,675 in the week ending 15 May.

RSV stats: As of October 15, the national RSV test positive rate was 15%, compared to about 11% for the same period in 2021.

Why I Like Scary Things

Halloween season is full of new horror movies A television show that has proven popular among people across the country. About 55% of Americans enjoy scary media, and 90% have been immersed in horror at least once in the past year, according to a study by the Recreational Horror Institute at Aarhus University in Denmark.

why? Humans seem to be made to enjoy fear. A new study suggests that human interest in scary movies, games, books, and crime stories can help build mental resilience, overcome phobias, and deal with frightening things in real life. I’m here.

Horror tells us: When you deliberately frighten yourself, “you learn to know your limits and learn a little bit of self-reliance in the face of danger, fear, and anxiety,” says Fear Lab researcher and author Coltan Scrivner. says Dr. of several papers on horror.

Pay attention: “It makes sense to pay attention to potential threats,” adds Dr. Greg Siegle, professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. “We learn very quickly and encode them deeply.”

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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