Bird hearing and vision may improve mental health, study suggests
British researchers report that just looking at or listening to birds can cause mental health improvements that last up to eight hours.
Analysis of data from approximately 1,300 volunteers who agreed to respond multiple times a day to a dedicated app that checks for bird exposure and more. mental health It revealed that people feel better when they encounter a bird than when they encounter another aspect of the natural world, such as a tree.
Even those diagnosed with depression saw improvements in their health, according to a study published Thursday in Scientific Reports.
“Our main finding is that there is a long-term association between watching and listening to birds and improved mental health,” said PhD candidate and lead author of the study. Yes, says Ryan Hammoud, research assistant at the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology. Kings majored in Neuroscience at his College London.
The fact that positive associations between birds and improved mental health were also evident in people diagnosed with depression suggests the importance of connecting with the natural world for our mental health. It emphasizes sexuality,” Hammoud said in an email.
It’s not yet known how watching or listening to birds improves mental health, but it could be for several reasons, including reduced stress and reduced mental fatigue.
To investigate whether seeing and hearing birds improves mental health, Hammoud and his colleagues downloaded an app to their cell phones and asked them to respond to the app three times a day for 14 days. We recruited 1,292 willing people.
The app asked volunteers if they had seen various natural phenomena.
- Can you see the plants now?
- Can you see the trees now?
- Can you see and hear birds now?
- can you see the sky now?
- Can you see the water now?
- Do you feel the air is dirty now?
Volunteers were then questioned about their mental health. Researchers also collected information about pre-existing diagnoses of mental health conditions.
Analyzing data from the app, researchers found that hearing and watching birds was associated with a 1.72 point improvement on the mental health scale.
Because we also asked about other natural phenomena such as trees, the researchers were able to show that the relationship between birds and mental health could not be explained by concurrent environmental factors such as the presence of trees, plants and water. rice field.
Psychologist Thea Gallagher was pleased to see research examining “something that conventional research would have never considered.”
“We all do things that make us feel good, but there are no controlled trials. It’s nice to see studies supporting the effects of birds.”
Gallagher of NYU Langone Health said: “It’s nice to add something to the list of coping strategies.”
New research suggests birdwatching may be good for our mental health, Gallagher said.
in the meantime In general, nature may improve mental healthBecause birds can see and hear, it can be particularly effective, says psychologist Sheehan Fisher, an associate professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Focusing on birds and other aspects of the natural environment may help with mindfulness, Fisher said. “And that’s especially true if you live in the city. Sometimes you’re too busy to stop and smell the roses.”
Just setting aside five minutes to appreciate the natural world around us can make you feel better, Fisher said. “Being mindful about incorporating it into your daily routine can be part of your self-care.”
“If you work from home, it’s a good idea to position your desk near a window,” says Fisher. “When the weather gets warmer, you want to eat lunch outside in the park. take a little walk”
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