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Pediatricians Prepare for Increase in RSV Cases

Pediatricians Prepare for Increase in RSV Cases
Pediatricians Prepare for Increase in RSV Cases


According to the state health department, 95% of RSV hospitalizations in Colorado are children. Since October 1, there have been 292 hospitalizations in Metro.

Golden, Colorado — Dr. James Campbell Denver West Pediatrics We understand that RSV cases occur every year, and we acknowledge that they pose a danger to young children and are spreading more than usual.

“First of all, the RSV outbreak comes very early. We don’t usually see so many cases of RSV in the late summer or fall when we went,” Dr. Campbell said. Stated. “Many of these children haven’t had RSV for a year, two, or three years because of the pandemic. So they’re probably not well protected against RSV. It’s a multi-infectious disease, so if you haven’t had it for years, it can get worse.”

according to Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)Since October 1, 2022, there have been 292 RSV-related hospitalizations in the Denver Metro and 42 outbreaks statewide. That’s more than double his number for the same timeframe in 2021, according to CDPHE.

Today, 95% of hospital admissions are children. In addition, CDPHE has seen a sharp increase in reports of her RSV outbreaks occurring in child care and school settings.

In more than half of the outbreaks, at least one person involved in the outbreak was treated in hospital.

For now, state agencies say they are supporting hospitals as they may see increased demand.

Dr. Campbell believes the pattern of such cases has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other factors.

“And the magnitude and severity of symptoms this year don’t seem to be commensurate with a normal year,” he said.

However, he said the vast majority of babies and young children may not have life-threatening cases.

However, he also advises parents to take extra precautions in case their child develops symptoms.

“So perhaps our best guidance for parents is that if you have an infant, especially an infant under 6 months old, or even a toddler, you want to pay close attention to your child’s symptoms if they show cold symptoms. So, a runny nose or a cough will make you wary to see your baby more closely.Are you breathing too fast?Are you breathing too hard?A high fever?Are you tired?” he explained. did. “Some of these children are so focused on breathing that they are not eating. It’s like a signal, looking for babies who may be on the road to fatigue.”

In a statement issued on behalf of Dr. Kevin Mesacher, an infectious disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Colorado, the hospital is seeing an increase in cases of RSV in addition to starting to see flu cases.

There were no RSV patient counts provided by Children’s Hospital, but the statement urges all eligible people to get the flu shot.

Although there is currently no vaccine to prevent RSV infection, Scientists are working on the development.

Researchers are trying to develop new vaccines, but the proteins the virus uses to infect human cells are tricky.

The rapid structural changes make it difficult to develop vaccines that target it.

Two vaccines, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, have also been shown to be effective in older people, who are at higher risk of severe disease.

Pfizer plans to extend vaccine trials to younger children, but that could take years.

There are medications that can help protect some babies who are at higher risk of serious illness.

However, it is primarily used for premature babies, and young children with certain heart and lung conditions.

Related: Pediatric RSV cases are growing rapidly, faster than usual

Related: UCHealth Launches New Virtual Respiratory Therapist Program

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