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Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Works for Research, and Its Impact on Children

Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Works for Research, and Its Impact on Children
Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Works for Research, and Its Impact on Children


  • Pfizer said RSV injections given to pregnant people stopped 70% of severe illness symptoms in infants during the first six months of life.
  • The company plans to apply for FDA approval later this year.
  • A vaccine could be available as early as next year, experts say.

Scientists are working to develop a vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Main causes of hospitalization during infancy.

on tuesday, Pfizer RSV injections given to pregnant women were 70% effective in preventing severe RSV in infants up to 6 months of age.

The company plans to file for approval with the Food and Drug Administration later this year.

The news comes at a time when RSV is surging nationwide, especially among young children.

RSV usually causes respiratory problems such as runny nose and cough, but in severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia and a form of lung inflammation called bronchiolitis in at-risk populations such as infants and the elderly. There is a nature.

There is a growing body of research on potential RSV vaccines.

a Recent clinical trials A study funded by AstraZeneca found one of its vaccine candidates to be 75% effective in preventing infections requiring hospitalization in infants.

clinical trial We have also found the RSV shot to be very effective. old adult When pregnant person (A person who can pass antibodies across the placenta to the fetus).

The evidence is so encouraging that health experts say it won’t be long before RSV injections are ready for use.

“High-risk adults are more likely to receive multiple licensed RSV vaccines within a year.” Dr. Amesh AdaljaA senior research fellow at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security and an infectious disease expert, told Healthline.

There is currently no vaccine against RSV. Monoclonal antibody therapy is given to high-risk infants and premature babies. synagogue Once a month during the RSV season.

Scientists have been trying to develop an RSV vaccine for decades, but some vaccine candidates test failed.

“The RSV vaccine is traditionally considered the graveyard of pharmaceutical companies because some candidates have failed,” says Adalja.

according to Bernadette Boden-AlbaraAccording to DrPH, director and founding dean of the public health program at the University of California, Irvine, the vast majority of people diagnosed with RSV usually recover well, so there is no urgent need to develop a vaccine. did.

However, in recent years, the burden of RSV has worsened. In severe cases, patients may require additional oxygen or intubation with mechanical ventilation.

“The severity of RSV last year, including significant hospitalizations with respiratory distress in babies and young children, has prompted renewed investigation into vaccine development,” said Boden-Albala.

Recent study It also raised concerns that RSV could bind to influenza inside our cells and form a new type of pathogen, but that study was done in the lab and the virus is a reality. You can’t apply it to how you behave in the world, says Adalja.

Adalja says vaccine developers who helped develop the COVID vaccine have recently discovered new vaccination methods that improve how the immune system deals with viruses like RSV.

Vaccines freeze part of the virus before it fuses with our cells, giving the immune system a chance to produce antibodies that can neutralize the virus before it can be damaged.

“Several pharmaceutical companies are currently racing to develop an adult vaccine (a pediatric vaccine may be a bit further down the road), and the Phase 3 vaccine trials just announced at several conferences show efficacy and It’s very promising in terms of safety,” Adalja said.

RSV vaccination may be available for at-risk adults by next fall, but RSV injection in children It is approved and available, Adalja added.

Public health experts expect an RSV vaccine by the end of the year. Recent evidence from clinical trials has found that some of the RSV shots being tested are highly effective in preventing serious illness. It has come at a time when it has exploded dramatically, causing one of the worst nationwide outbreaks in years.




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