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Can even mild Covid cause blood clots and cardiovascular problems?

Can even mild Covid cause blood clots and cardiovascular problems?


Emerging evidence suggests venous thromboembolism or blood clot — Starts in the patient’s veins and spreads to the heart, lungs, and other areas of the body — Likely experienced by patients with mild disease COVID19. of research, Published in british medical journalthose with mild Covid classified as not hospitalized were 2.7 times more likely to get blood clots and more than 10 times more likely to die than those without viral respiratory disease. understood.

Studies show that hospitalized patients COVID-19 They were 21 times more likely to have heart failure, 17 times more likely to have a stroke, and were at risk. A study from Queen Mary University of London found that the risk of cardiovascular disease peaked 30 days after infection in both moderate and severe cases.Data from 20,505 participants from the UK Biobank study that recorded COVID-19 infection Status was part of the study. The author included participants from his first two waves. COVID-19 pandemic, and we were able to perform concordant analyzes on 17,871 participants.

clot How is Covid-19 related to blood clots? (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

The analysis noted that patients hospitalized with the virus generally had a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease, despite the fact that moderate Covid patients had a higher risk of blood clots. The risk of infection was highest in the first 30 days after infection, but persisted thereafter in moderate and severe patients, the study notes.

“Our findings are cardiovascular risk There are more possibilities in countries with limited access to vaccination, resulting in higher population exposure to Covid-19. Moreover, the long-term cardiovascular effects reported in our study may be relevant to future pandemics of similar viral infections,” the authors detailed in their study.

Any idea why this is happening?

Dr. Nikhil Choudhary, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Narayana Multispeciality Hospital Jaipur, said several factors contributed to the increase in heart attack numbers in the last two years of the pandemic. “Several prominent reasons include inactivity, increased tobacco and alcohol consumption, reduced doctor visits, and self-medication,” he told the outlet.

Dr Choudhary said Covid inflammation Inside the body, it is very likely to “induce widespread blood clots in small veins throughout the body, including the heart.” About 3% of patients with acute heart attacks experience cardiac rupture (VSR – ventricular septal rupture), which is most commonly seen in settings with delayed diagnosis and treatment,” said Dr. Choudhary. said.

However, Dr. Ravi Shekhar Jha, Director and Head of Respiratory Department at Fortis Hospitals in Faridabad, said: It’s too early to say mild covid May cause blood clots. “Our experience so far has been that Covid patients with greatly reduced oxygen or hypoxia tended to have elevated inflammatory markers and possibly to form blood clots. We need scientific data,” he said.

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