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Moderate to heavy drinking may increase stroke risk in young adults

Moderate to heavy drinking may increase stroke risk in young adults


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A new study suggests that moderate to heavy alcohol use may be linked to increased risk of stroke in young adults. Mats Silvain/EyeEm/Getty Images
  • In a new study, researchers analyzed the relationship between alcohol consumption and stroke risk among young people in South Korea.
  • Findings indicate that moderate and heavy alcohol use are associated with increased risk of stroke.
  • Researchers and some health experts recommend that young adults reduce their alcohol intake to reduce their risk.

stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide, with about 11% According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of deaths each year.

Additionally, the World Stroke Organization (WSO) reports that the incidence of stroke is 70% Between 1990 and 2019, stroke deaths increased by 43%.

Stroke survivors experience physical pain hindrance A cognitive impairment that often limits economic activity for the rest of life.

Although stroke primarily affects people over the age of 44, an increasing number of young adults are experiencing a stroke. WSO is approximately 8% Of the 13.7 million strokes each year, they occur in adults under the age of 44.

but more 90% Percentage of stroke cases associated with modifiable risk factors such as alcohol consumption, which is increasing worldwide. For example, between 1990 and 2017, her per capita alcohol consumption increased by 104% in East Asia. Survey from 2019 indicates that global alcohol consumption is projected to increase significantly.

Although heavy alcohol consumption is associated with stroke risk, little is known about the long-term effects of moderate drinking on stroke risk.

In a new study, researchers examined the effects of cumulative alcohol consumption on adults aged 20 to 39 in South Korea.

They found that young people who drank moderate to heavy alcohol were at increased risk of stroke.

This research recently neurology.

For this study, researchers examined national health record data from 1,536,668 men and women.

Participants ranged in age from 20 to 39 years and underwent four annual health examinations between 2009 and 2012. Stroke risk was the subject’s primary health outcome.

Researchers measured alcohol consumption in grams per week and classified alcohol consumption into four categories.

  • none
  • Mild drinking: 0-105 g
  • Moderate drinking: 105-210 g
  • Heavy drinking: 210g or more

For reference, 105 grams of alcohol is equivalent Up to 7.5 12 oz. beers or 1.5 standard bottles of wine.

In addition, researchers investigated the subjects’ age, gender, income, and comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer.

Participants were followed for an average of 5.6 years. During follow-up, 3,153 had a stroke.

After analyzing the data, the researchers noted that stroke incidence steadily increased with cumulative alcohol consumption.

Participants who continued to drink moderately to heavily for two years had a 19% higher risk of stroke. By contrast, those at 3 years had a 22% increased risk, and those at 4 years had a 23% higher risk.

The researchers also found that heavy drinkers had a 28% higher risk of stroke than nondrinkers, although the risk for light to moderate drinkers was not statistically significant.

The researchers concluded that reducing alcohol consumption should be emphasized for young adults who drink heavily as a stroke prevention strategy.

Dr. John MendelsohnA board-certified physician and chief medical officer at Ria Health, who was not involved in the study, said: MNT:

“Stroke is very rare in young people, and hemorrhagic stroke is even rarer. Hemorrhagic stroke usually occurs during extreme high blood pressure spikes and in patients taking anticoagulants.”

“In this study, the increased risk of stroke was likely due to increased blood pressure during alcohol withdrawal. It is also possible that head trauma contributed to the increased risk of stroke — massive.” Drinkers are more likely to fall, [experience] head injury. “

– Dr. John Mendelson, Board Board Certified Physician

To understand how drinking is associated with stroke risk, medical news today talked with Tamer RodneyPh.D., RN, Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and was not involved in this research.

“Alcohol primarily affects multiple organs, mainly because alcohol is carried throughout the body. [the] Blood,” said Dr. Rodney.

“The way the body processes alcohol means that it affects multiple organs very quickly, including the brain.”

“Repeated shots of alcohol to the brain can trigger events that lead to lack of oxygenated blood flow or blood clots in the brain that can lead to stroke. However, the brain can malfunction. It’s just one of many organs that have a lot of potential. [due to] Excessive alcohol consumption. ”

– Tamar Rodney, Ph.D., RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing

Debbie FetterPh.D., an assistant professor of nutrition at the University of California, Davis, who was not involved in the study, said: MNT:

“Alcohol is an example of an empty calorie source. [It] little nutritional value [and is] 7kcal is just an energy source [per] grams. [It] It has also been recognized as a carcinogen since 1988 — ethanol in alcohol is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen. ”

“People consume alcohol for a variety of reasons, but from a health standpoint, limiting or avoiding alcohol is generally recommended,” added Dr. Vetter.

Dr. Fetter has a high alcohol intake and binge It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular-related health outcomes such as:

“Alcohol consumption increases the risk of irregular heartbeats, especially atrial fibrillation, which can cause blood clots to form in the heart and migrate to other organs, including the brain.” Dr. Sandra NarayananA board-certified vascular neurologist and neurointerventional surgeon at the Pacific Stroke and Neurovascular Center at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, California, said he was not involved in the study. MNT.

“This is an important and potentially preventable risk factor. ischemic stroke — [when blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted or reduced],” she added.

The researchers acknowledged the limitations of their findings.

They noted that because the study population is Korean, their findings may not apply to other ethnicities. , we also recognize that the results may be subject to recall bias.

In addition, the researchers further noted that they did not assess differences between light drinking and abstinence.

Dr. Fetter pointed out that because the study was observational in nature, it did not prove a causal relationship between alcohol consumption and stroke risk.

“The type of alcohol was not reported. [or] We analyzed them individually (i.e. beer, wine, spirits, etc.),” ​​she said.

“Some drinks may contain additional elements that may affect your health. For example, mixed cocktails may have added sugar.”

of 2020–2025 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans It is recommended to abstain from alcohol or limit consumption to moderate intake.

According to dietary guidelines, moderate drinking is considered no more than two drinks per day for men and no more than one drink per day for women.

“This is based on theoretical considerations of body composition differences,” Dr. Fetter explained.

“In general, men may have more lean body mass. [or] More watery than females, but not always. For most people who consume low levels of alcohol, health effects are likely to be minimal, but many people who consume alcohol tend to exceed current recommendations.

– Dr. Debbie Fetter, Assistant Professor of Nutrition Education

for that reason, 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee It recommended reducing the current alcohol recommendation to less than one drink per day, regardless of biological sex.

However, the Advisory Board’s recommendations weren’t included in the current dietary guidelines because of what scientists think. not substantive evidence.

Whether moderate drinking is associated with an increased risk of stroke depends on factors such as the individual’s age, gender, weight, and whether they live with certain health conditions.

If you’re wondering if your drinking habits may be increasing your risk of stroke, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

When asked if alcohol, as currently recommended, is sufficient to prevent an increased risk of stroke, Dr. Mendelsohn said:

“The authors found a dose-response between alcohol and stroke. There was no increased risk of stroke within the range considered to be a healthy level of drinking, so currently recommended drinking levels remain valid and appropriate.” .”

However, Dr. Rodney disagreed with this, saying that current alcohol recommendations are inadequate to prevent an increased risk of stroke. He said more needs to be done to address these reasons.

Dr. Rodney further pointed out that approaches to limiting alcohol consumption should resemble warnings against smoking.

“The message about the long-term dangers of alcohol consumption is supported by findings like these. The message should become part of health education and become a national message.A greater focus on strengthening education strategies on potential negative outcomes such as stroke would be a great start. .”

– Tamar Rodney, Ph.D., RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing




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