Coronavirus: “long haulers” face long-term recovery
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Dave Jones
Helen Calder and his family all had Covid-19, but Helen still suffers from recurrent symptoms
Extreme fatigue, nausea, chest tightness, severe headaches, “brain fog”, and pain in the limbs may recur for weeks or even months after diagnosis, explained by some patients with Covid-19. This is one of the symptoms.
They call themselves “long haulers” and their symptoms last long after a period of 14 days, which is officially said to be the average duration of the disease.
There are calls to both health professionals and employers to recognize that some people will take much longer than two weeks to recover.
“This is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced,” Helen Calder, from Liverpool, told BBC health correspondent Dominique Hughes.
Approximately four months after she and her family became infected with the virus, she still experiences recurrences approximately every two weeks, with debilitating fatigue, nausea, headaches, and limb pain.
Her doctors diagnose post-viral fatigue and if she does a little overexertion when she feels good, she says she can get her back for days at a time.
A very short workaround with her young daughter while the family was out was completely exhausted, leaving her in bed for days thereafter.
From Winchester, Donna McCulloch was diagnosed by her GP on March 23-she had no tests-but she says she was the worst after seven weeks.
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Liam Carey
Six weeks later, Donna McCulloch said she had “panicked” because she still had symptoms.
“The whole April and most of May was a complete cleanup,” she says. “Everyone said it was 14 days, but I didn’t recover. I panicked by the 6th week.”
Concerned about the secondary infection, her doctor prescribed an antibiotic, which she said made her worse.
Donna thinks she’s finally recovered. “I’m not at the moment, but I’ve done everything I can to get back on track.”
Donna and Helen are not alone.
Thousands of people use hashtags and join Facebook groups like Long Covid Support Group, which has over 5,200 members, to share the story of the long-running battle with Covid-19.
Many who share symptoms with the Covid Symptom Tracker app say they last more than 14 days
Data from the Covid symptom research app, which was downloaded more than 3 million times, suggests that “a significant number” of people have been reporting symptoms for a month. Genetic epidemiology professor Tim Spector, who came up with the idea for the app, says one in 10 to 20 people has reported it for a longer time.
“When this started, everyone thought it was like the flu, it all ended in a week, and some people went to the hospital and had problems recovering,” he said. say.
“And from the people who log on to the app every day, we know that a significant percentage of people with problems last more than a month, not just the average.”
Norfolk Intensive Care Doctor Dr. Jake Swett, who had been ill for several weeks, promoted further research into long-distance symptoms to the government, where not only medical professionals but also employees worked for more than two weeks. Employers who may be absent.
“These patients may need financial assistance, and their employers need to have realistic expectations for the time it will take for them to recover,” he writes. It was
The issue has been raised individually in Parliament and NHS England has just Launched a new service to help people deal with the long-term effects of coronaviruses..
The government also published a £8.4 million study on long-term health effects. But Dr. Suet is still unresponsive.
So what’s going on?
Dr Michael Head, an epidemiologist at the University of Southampton, says the long-term effects also affect some people who experience other chronic respiratory illnesses, including various forms of viral pneumonia.
With Covid-19, it’s difficult to determine if more or fewer people will be affected. This is because existing research on other conditions yields inconsistent results. But Dr. Head says the variety of symptoms can be more unusual.
“What can be significantly different from Covid-19 is the wide range of observed long-term health effects.”
Some people ask if the virus actually attacks the brain, due to the feeling of fatigue, “brain fog”, and persistent loss of taste and smell that many long-distance carriers report.
“How do these symptoms occur, such as whether the virus has an indirect effect on the nervous system, or whether it can cross the blood-brain barrier and directly affect the brain? I’m not entirely sure yet,” says Dr. Head.
“It’s certainly very clear that the virus affects many parts of the body other than the lungs.”
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Paul Garner
Professor Paul Garner records his own recovery journey
Professor Paul Garner of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine is an epidemiologist who has studied long-distance travel after Covid 19 since he first fell ill on 19 March.
He now describes his condition as being like chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME.
Because some patients believe their condition must be psychological, they cannot believe that they are experiencing severe symptoms over a long period of time.
“They think, “I can’t get through this, this is too strange. I must be mentally ill,” he says.
“I spoke to a general practitioner who thinks they are experiencing neurasthenia, but in reality, they only have symptoms of illness.”
Although Garner states that ultimately complete rest is essential for eventual recovery, many people find it possible to do so for financial and/or family reasons. I feel I can’t.
“If you don’t give the body time to heal, it cheers you up,” he says.
“If I rush back to work, I’m more likely to get sick again and delay recovery, so I think people didn’t think about this.”
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