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The US is still “kneeling” in the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Forch.


As you know, the current situation is really bad, in the sense that we are in a certain situation. We average about 20,000 new cases per day, and then a series of situations are now associated with different states and cities, and when we try to pioneer in the sense of returning to some form of normality, A record-breaking case has occurred. .. It was 57,500 two days ago, so within a week the number of cases almost doubled. Where are we, Tony, who are working on vaccines at an unprecedented speed? But of course, they are full of scientific challenges. If things are going well, one of these candidates will complete Phase 3 efficacy testing at the end of July. The other candidates will appear one after the other, in sequence, one at the end of August, one in September, and one in October. The platforms are different, but there are some commonalities. The protocol was uniform and used consistent laboratory data and its endpoints to be measured. Therefore, by the end of this year or early 2021, we hope to have an answer as to whether at least one or more vaccines are safe and effective.

Video above: US virus conditions are “bad” Forch said during the week and a half, the number of US coronavirus cases doubled, but authorities said this was still the first wave of a pandemic. “Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said on a live stream on Facebook and Twitter on Monday. “I don’t think this is a wave. Was a spike or revival of baseline infections…we didn’t really get to where we wanted to go.” A crowd of weekend packed holidays contributed to this surge and hospitals Not only will you run out of beds, but you could infect others and make your economy worse. “The virus is highly contagious and is known to be asymptomatic and easy to infect others,” said Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, head of the Infectious Diseases Department at Massachusetts General Hospital. And people are naive to the effects of their actions, or they are simply resigned to ignore it. On the same live stream as Monday’s Forch, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, reassured Americans to survive a pandemic. “We all need Americans to have that confidence. Keep optimism, keep hope and do the right thing,” Collins said, adding that Musk added that people need to stick. Wearing, socializing, frequent hand-washing, and avoiding tight spaces in the room are recommended. “I’m all of these simple and easy things that I know you’re getting bored with, but the virus is still there, and we’re telling us not to make this worse,” Collins said. Over 129,000 Americans die from COVID-19, with some survivors working on long-term complications. “Remember that there are 300 million people in the country who have been infected and have not been infected.” Warensky said, “Infectious diseases are rising rapidly until we change our behavior to prevent these infections. Will continue to do so.” In 32 states, infection rates are still rising. “We are concerned about increased hospitalization and mortality over the next few weeks. Medical School in Houston.” We are breaking records here almost every day here in Texas,” said Peter Hotes, director of National Tropical Medicine at Baylor College. Is rushing to hospitals, ICUs, we can’t really move at this speed,” he said. “And that’s not just happening at T. Exas of course. It’s happening in Florida, Arizona. A similar situation is spreading in the Gulf. And now we’re beginning to see similar trends in the upper Midwest and Tennessee. Like Wallensky, Hotes described this swirling situation as “free fall.” Last week, according to Johns Hopkins University data: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New. New infection rates are generally stable in Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin 14: Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming; only four states are Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. It reduces the incidence of new cases.

Video above: Fauci says US virus status is “bad”

Over the past week and a half, the number of coronavirus cases in the United States has doubled, but officials say this is still the first wave of pandemics.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said in a live stream on Facebook and Twitter on Monday, “This first wave is still terrible.” “I don’t think this would be seen as a wave. It was a surge, or a resurgence of infections overlaid on the baseline… never really reached where we wanted to go. did”

Crowded weekend crowds contributed to the surge and could lead to lack of hospital beds and infect others. Take the economy back further. The virus is famous for how contagious it is, and for the ease with which people can infect others without symptoms.

“We are in free fall,” said Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, head of infectious disease at Massachusetts General Hospital.

“You see footage of what happened this weekend, and people are naive to the effects of their actions, or they’re just resigning to ignore it.”

On the same live stream as Forch on Monday, Dr. Francisco Linds, director of the National Institutes of Health, tried to reassure Americans that the country would survive a pandemic.

“We need everybody in America to have that confidence. Keep your optimism, keep your hope, do the right thing,” Collins said, Avoid wearing, social distances, frequent hand-washing and tight spaces indoors.

“All of these simple and easy things I know you’re tired of, but the virus is still there and we all need it to get worse,” Collins said. Told.

Nearly 3 million Americans are infected with COVID-19, including an increasing number of young adults. Over 129,000 Americans die from COVID-19, with some survivors working on long-term complications.

“Keep in mind that there are 300 million people in this country who are susceptible and have not been infected. The virus is far from a shortage of those who are infected,” he said.

“And until we change our behavior to prevent these infections, the infections will continue to soar.”

In 32 states, infection rates are still rising

With the proliferation of new cases, doctors are worried about hospitalization and more deaths in the coming weeks.

“We are accelerating across the country…the number of cases is still growing,” said Dr Peter Hotes, Dean of the National Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.

“We’re breaking records almost every day here in Texas. People are rushing to hospitals and ICUs. We can’t continue any more at this rate,” he said.

“And of course that’s happening not only in Texas, but in Florida, Arizona. Now, a similar situation is beginning to unfold in the Gulf, and now in the upper Midwest and Tennessee.”

Like Wallensky, Hotez described this swirling situation as “free fall.”

Johns Hopkins University data show higher rates of new cases this week compared to last week and in at least 32 states compared to last week: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

New infections in 14 states include Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming. Rates are generally stable.

Also, only four states, Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, have seen a lower incidence of new cases.


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