Prostatitis or Prostate Cancer: Signs to Watch for and Available Treatments
Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer
Depending on the grade and stage of your cancer, Dr. Lim recommends three treatment options.
For low-risk localized prostate cancer, active surveillance to closely monitor cancer progression is an option. However, if the cancer progresses during active surveillance, further treatment may be needed. One possible curative option is a surgical procedure known as radical prostatectomy.
“This involves removing the entire prostate and the seminal vesicles. If necessary, the surrounding lymph nodes may also be removed,” explains Dr. Lim.
It is a minimally invasive, robotic-assisted surgery that can be performed through a keyhole-sized incision, resulting in a rapid recovery.
“Patients are discharged from the hospital in a few days and can return to normal activity after two to four weeks,” says Dr. Lim.
However, radical prostatectomy has side effects such as erectile dysfunction, stress urinary incontinence, and lack of ejaculate upon ejaculation.
Dr Lim says young men who need surgery and still want to have a family may need assisted reproductive techniques such as sperm extraction.
Another treatment option for prostate cancer is radiation therapy. It uses highly targeted energy rays or particles to kill cancer cells. Short-term hormone therapy may be included in the treatment regimen to suppress testosterone production and improve prostate cancer control.
Radiation therapy is usually recommended for older patients with multiple medical problems who are at high risk for general anesthesia or surgery. Radiation therapy regimens are individualized and may range from 8 he to 30 or more sessions.
“Immediate side effects of radiation therapy are usually mild and may include urinary symptoms and blood in the urine,” says Dr. Lim. “Patients may feel a little tired during treatment, but can usually continue with their normal daily activities.”
Possible long-term complications are erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence. Some patients also have repeated bleeding in the stool and urine.
Treatment of metastatic prostate cancer
If the cancer has metastasized and spread to other parts of the body, Dr. Lim recommends androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) combined with new hormone drugs. ADT may include injection of drugs and surgical removal of both testicles. Some patients may require chemotherapy.
Other treatment options include chemotherapy and supportive care, depending on where the cancer has spread. Common symptoms include urinary or bowel problems, abdominal or back pain, blood in the urine, weakness or bone pain in the lower extremities.
These symptoms can be managed with analgesics, radiation therapy to the affected area to relieve symptoms, or surgery to relieve symptoms and achieve local control, says Dr. Lim.
“Cancer is a scary word for most people, but with early detection and treatment, prostate cancer can be manage effectively That way, you’ll be able to live your life to the fullest,” adds Dr. Lim.
He recommends that men experiencing symptoms such as difficulty urinating or hematuria see a urologist as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and individualized treatment plan.
For more information, see: aCheck out the Urology & Robotic Center.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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