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Dementia plunges by almost a third among older US adults, according to RAND


The prevalence of dementia in the United States is declining among people over the age of 65, dropping by almost a third from 2000 to 2016, according to a RAND Corp. courtesy Nicky Vargas/Pixabay

Nov 7 (UPI) — A study by RAND Corp. found that the prevalence of dementia in the United States is declining among people over the age of 65, dropping dramatically from 2000 to 2016.

The age-adjusted prevalence of dementia fell by nearly a third from 12.2% of the population aged 65 and over in 2000 to 8.5% of the population aged 65 and over in 2016, according to researchers. Decreased.

A study found that women were more likely to live with dementia, but the gender gap was narrowing.

The prevalence of dementia in men declined by 3.2 percentage points over 16 years, from 10.2% to 7.0%. The rate of decline was greater for females, with a decrease of 3.9 percentage points from 13.6% to 9.7%.

The difference in prevalence of dementia between black and white men also narrowed, the researchers said.

The prevalence of dementia among non-Hispanic white men decreased from 9.3% to 6.6%, and the prevalence of dementia among non-Hispanic black men decreased from 17.2% to 9.9%.

The study’s lead author, Peter Hudomie, said it’s not clear why the prevalence of dementia has declined, but the trend is good news for older Americans.

He told UPI that researchers expect dementia prevalence to decline overall, as do several recent publications from the United States and Europe.

“I wasn’t too sure about how dementia inequality has changed recently,” he said.

Hudomiet, an economist at RAND, a California-based nonprofit research organization, told UPI in an email. Make sure the dementia gap is closing. ”

of study It was published Monday in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to RAND, an estimated 6.2 million US adults age 65 and older had dementia in 2021. Since age is the greatest risk factor for dementia, increased life expectancy is expected to significantly increase the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias from ~50 people. By 2050, he will affect 1 million to 150 million people worldwide.

But the researchers said there was “increasing evidence” that age-adjusted prevalence of dementia is declining in developed countries.

Hudomiet attributed some of the decline in dementia to people heeding such advice, given the large number of studies published on measures to avoid dementia. He said there is a possibility that they are.

“Other behavioral factors, such as smoking, may also play a role. [cessation]cognitive activity, and social activity played a role,” he said.

Researchers found that the gender gap in dementia has narrowed since 2000. This “coincided at a time when female labor force participation rates rose rapidly,” he added.

RAND modeling examined cognitive status based on a wide range of cognitive measures from over 21,000 people from nationally representative health and retirement surveys conducted over 20 years.

According to the researchers, the model can accurately estimate the prevalence of dementia by measures of age, gender, education, race, ethnicity, and lifetime income.

Higher education contributed about 40% of the decline in dementia prevalence among men and 20% of the decline among women, RAND said, in a statistical sense. Factors were not so important. ”

Still, RAND points out that various demographic groups are closing the education gap.

“Bridging educational gaps between racial and ethnic groups can be a powerful tool for reducing health inequalities in general, and dementia in particular, which is an important public health policy goal. is,” said Hudomiet.

The RAND study was funded by the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health.




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