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Panel approves government plan to relax event restrictions: Asahi Shimbun


A new council of central government panels addressing the COVID-19 pandemic approved a government plan to relax restrictions on large events at its first meeting on July 6.

From July 10, a maximum of 5,000 events will be allowed. However, the total number of participants must be within 50% of the maximum capacity of the venue. Currently, the upper limit is set to 1,000.

Members of the council, including medical and economics experts, request that the government of the event keep contact information and other data of attendees as a precautionary measure.

Professional baseball and soccer games held in closed rooms during the pandemic can welcome fans from July 10.

At the press conference, “the situation varies from region to region,” said Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economic Recovery who is also in charge of policies related to coronaviruses. “Each prefecture makes decisions based on the guidelines of the central government.”

The council was established on behalf of a government committee of infectious disease experts who advised the central government since the outbreak began.

The first meeting lasted about two and a half hours. Members shared an assessment that there are currently few severe cases and the health care system is not at risk of collapse.

At the same time, as the number of middle-aged and older patients increased, the risk from a certain number of patients whose source could not be determined was evaluated.

Shigeru Omi, chair of the council, commented at a press conference on the central government’s previous coronavirus response.

“They didn’t fully discuss ideas and strategies for expanding the test system,” he said. “We need agreement on where to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable infection risks.”

The Omi Council said it would propose a testing strategy that would suit different local situations and different infection risks.

“In my opinion, taking steps to prevent the spread of the virus is crisis management and we need to think of the worst scenario. After these things get so bad that the government needs to make an emergency, these It’s too late to start thinking about things,” Omi said.

As a general rule, the council will not be open to the public except at the beginning.

The minutes of the meeting will be open to the public approximately 10 years after the document is moved to the National Archives.

The council makes the outline of the meeting publicly available.


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