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NHS England rolls out ‘potentially life-saving’ breast cancer drug

NHS England rolls out ‘potentially life-saving’ breast cancer drug


Up to 1,600 people will benefit from new treatments for advanced breast cancer, following new guidance from the National Institutes of Health (NICE) and an agreement between NHS England and manufacturers.

Draft NICE guidance released today recommends pembrolizumab, branded Keytruda, manufactured by MSD, as a treatment option for triple-negative breast cancer.

“The NHS has signed a new contract to deploy a potentially life-saving drug for patients suffering from the most aggressive form of breast cancer.”

Amanda Pritchard

For adults with triple-negative early-stage or locally advanced breast cancer who are at high risk of recurrence, it can be used in combination with chemotherapy to reduce the size of the tumor before surgery and can be given alone as post-surgery treatment.

The drug is delivered directly into the bloodstream every 3 to 6 weeks for about a year.

The treatment will be funded immediately by NHS England for eligible patients following a secret deal with MSD.

Triple-negative breast cancer is more aggressive than other types of breast cancer and accounts for a quarter of all breast cancer deaths, but only one in five.

NICE said clinical trial evidence shows that adding pembrolizumab to chemotherapy before surgery and continuing pembrolizumab alone after surgery increases the chances of the cancer clearing. It also increases the time it takes for the cancer to come back. However, it is not clear whether pembrolizumab prolongs life.

It is estimated that there are approximately 3,200 triple-negative breast cancer patients in England, of whom approximately 1,600 are eligible for treatment with pembrolizumab under the guidance in this draft.

Helen Knight, interim director of drug evaluation at NICE, said:

Amanda Pritchard

“Today’s draft guidance means the NHS is recommending three new treatments for routine use from June onwards, which will address this unmet need and help thousands of people It helps give people hope for a longer and better quality of life.”

NHS England Chief Executive Officer Amanda Pritchard added: Traditionally, it has been very difficult to treat.

“This is the latest commercial medicines deal the NHS has made for patients and once again highlights the innovative treatments available at cost-effective prices for taxpayers.”

Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of the charity Breast Cancer Now, said patients with triple-negative breast cancer had faced limited treatment options for “too long.”

“This new treatment has the potential to eliminate detectable cancer by the time of surgery, which means patients may undergo less invasive breast-conserving surgery,” she said.

“Additionally, by significantly reducing the chances of breast cancer recurring or metastasizing to other parts of the body and becoming incurable secondary breast cancer, this treatment will help save more lives from this devastating disease.” It brings precious hope that salvation is possible.”

NICE’s final guidance on the use of pembrolizumab in the treatment of early-stage or locally advanced triple-negative breast cancer is expected to be released next month.

this is 25th Oncology drugs are rapidly tracked under the Oncology Drugs Fund.




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