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Breast Cancer Gap Project Aims to Improve Outcomes for Black Women

Breast Cancer Gap Project Aims to Improve Outcomes for Black Women


Until the summer of 2019, when she discovered a lump in her breast, Adrian Jordan hadn’t given much thought to breast cancer screening.

“I was 44 at the time,” she said of the day. I found out I had cancer.”

When a black Jordan started her treatment stage II breast cancer and mayo clinic, she looked around. What she saw, or didn’t see, set her back.

“I rarely saw black women there,” she recalls. “We were like, ‘Aren’t we sick? It can’t be.'” She asked herself why there weren’t more women like her in waiting rooms and treatment centers. money? Are we choosing not to seek treatment? ”

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Jordan’s timely discovery and treatment helped cure her cancer and inspired her to help other African American women get screened and treated. knew it from early detection, most breast cancers are treatable. But for many reasons, including cancers that tend to be found at a later stage, Jordan also knew: Breast cancer mortality for black women is 40% higher than for white women.

Adrian Jordan

Adrian Jordan

With breast cancer in her rearview mirror, Jordan decided to do what she could to change this reality for other black women. She believed her results were good because she had an advantage. I was lucky enough to have good health care, screening and treatment, which saved my life. But that’s not the case for everyone. ”

Early detection was key to successful treatment, so Jordan was determined to do what he could to help others. He asked himself, “Is there anything she can do to make sure a woman who looks just like me is really there to begin with?” Because if a woman starts screening early, she can live longer. ”

A key connection was made a few years ago when Jordan, a strategic planning consultant, volunteered to firefly sistersis a Twin Cities-based non-profit organization that provides one-on-one support to women facing a breast cancer diagnosis through mentorship with breast cancer survivors.

She met Kris Newcomer, Firefly’s then-executive director. For a while, the newcomer, who was nearing retirement, was focused on getting more women of color into the organization. The conversation turned to a startling gap in mortality rates when we talked about it.

Chris Newcomer

Chris Newcomer

“Chris came in because he led an organization that raised awareness and ensured that women of color were mentors,” Jordan said.

The two women eventually breast cancer gap project, a community-based campaign focused on reducing breast cancer mortality among women of color. Newcomer said the project was “something we desperately needed to do.” And with Jordan in a key leadership role, she expects it to have a major impact.

“Adrian is the ideal person to play a key role in this project,” she said. “Her real-world experience, combined with her connections and her expertise, will help us get this message to the right audience.”

Take the lead with certainty

Newcomer knew from the beginning that this campaign would have to be led by a black woman if it was to have a real impact on its target audience. She had been considering ideas for this kind of project with her friend and colleague, public health consultant Pat Coppa, but for a while she stepped aside as two white women and took the helm to a black woman. They knew they had to. They worked behind the scenes to secure funding and create a solid foundation for the group.

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Jordan supports this approach. “It’s great to have two white women who are passionate about this and have the resources and experience to bring this all together,” she said. Woman. It belongs to us and is real to our community. ”

In an early planning conversation, members of the Breast Cancer Gaps Project Community co-design team We discussed issues that we believe may contribute to increased breast cancer mortality among black women. These include transportation barriers, poor access to childcare, limited health insurance, and discomfort with the mainstream healthcare system.

Ultimately, the team settled on a multi-stage project that began with a survey of 100 black women in the Twin Cities. In an attempt to understand why black women are less likely to have mammograms than other racial groups, the study uncovered three key motivations for her:

  1. The mammogram itself, and the fear of cancer and death.
  2. Newcomer explained confusion over basic information such as: “How can I make an appointment?” “Do I need a letter of introduction?” “How old do you have to be to start?”
  3. Lack of urgency for breast cancer.

Armed with this knowledge, the team designed an education-focused campaign, inviting Black women into conversations and promoting the importance of breast cancer screening through trusted “community gateway” institutions such as churches and hair salons. Spread the word. “We want to partner with community organizations to help spread the word about breast cancer screening in places black women trust,” Jordan said.

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Jordan explained that when people discuss difficult topics in a comfortable space, they are more likely to trust a messenger. It meant she needed to come out and tell her story. She hoped that learning about her battle with breast cancer would encourage other women to get screened and stay alive.

“I use my voice to spread the word,” Jordan said. She didn’t try to tell her own story to her world, but she said she found sharing her own experiences with other women made a difference. We have learned that telling our story can have a powerful impact on helping women in our network understand more about their experiences with breast cancer screening and treatment. ”

Next Step: Education

Because the survey revealed respondents’ fear and confusion about mammography, the organizers of Breast Cancer Gaps decided to record video interviews with black health professionals and black women who could talk about their experiences. , set out to demystify the procedure in order to educate its target audience.

To do this, they developed we are important The campaign is a series of video messages created by and for black women to promote awareness of breast cancer through candid conversations focused on the importance of taking care of yourself and loved ones. We encourage screening.

With the help of Lashonda Soma, an African-American radiologist and member of the Breast Cancer Gap Community co-design team, they agreed to appear in a series of instructional videos about the mammography process. The video, which is still in production, will feature a community he leader who walks you through the process of getting a mammogram and demonstrates how the procedure can actually be quick and relatively painless.

Team videos can be found on the Breast Cancer Gaps Project website and group YouTube channelJordan explained that the materials contained hopeful and positive messages. The goal of this campaign is to encourage black women to prioritize self-care and understand the important role they play in the larger community.

Jordan said she understands why some women put off routine breast cancer screenings because of fear, but the message her team stresses is that some women get over it. “We don’t want to instill more fear than what might already be there,” she said. “We want it to be bright and hopeful.” I would like to emphasize that only 10% of the lumps found are cancerous.”

Citing the example of a breast cancer survivor, Jordan continued: This is your best chance to live a long and healthy life. ”




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