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Coronavirus: Spanish studies question the feasibility of herd immunity


On 6 July 2020, the Spanish Civil Guard manages a highway checkpoint between the Galician and Asturias regions of Ribadeo.Image copyright

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This study estimates that about 5% of the Spanish population has developed antibodies

Spanish studies question the feasibility of herd immunity as a way to tackle coronavirus pandemics.

A study of more than 60,000 people estimated that only about 5% of the Spanish population develop antibodies, according to a medical journal published by Lancet.

Herd immunity is achieved when a sufficient number of people become infected with the virus and stop its spread.

About 70% to 90% of the population needs immunity to protect uninfected people.

Reportedly, the prevalence of Covid-19 antibodies was less than 3% in coastal areas, but was high in widespread areas of Spain.

“Despite the high impact of Covid-19 in Spain, the prevalence estimates are low and clearly insufficient to provide herd immunity.” The author of the study said in the report..

“This cannot be achieved without accepting the collateral damage of many deaths in the vulnerable population and overburdening the healthcare system.

“In this context, measuring social distances and efforts to identify and isolate new cases and their contacts are essential to control future epidemics.”

This study is considered to be the largest of its kind for coronaviruses in Europe.

Lancet has conducted similar studies in China and the US, saying, “The key finding from these representative cohorts is that most populations appear unexposed.” The article said.

Professor Danny Altman, a spokesperson for the British Immunology Society and a professor of immunology at Imperial College London, described the study as “sober”.

“These findings reinforce the notion that we faced a deadly infection that elicits short-lived immunity, and the challenge is to overcome these problems and create a large and lasting optimal immune response. It is to identify the best vaccine strategy that can be stimulated. The virus has failed.”

What’s new in Spain?

The country recorded more than 250,000 cases and at least 28,385 deaths. But for most of the last three weeks, there was one death every day.

However, officials in northwestern Galicia Re-imposed restrictions on 70,000 areas after the outbreak..

Authorities have linked outbreaks in a region to bars in that region. The maximum capacity for bars and restaurants is 50%.

There are currently 258 Covid-19 cases in Galicia, 117 of them in Lugo, according to authorities.

Catalan Autonomous Government on Saturday Re-imposed control on 210,000 residents after a sharp increase in infections..

President Catalunya Kim Tolla said no one is allowed into or out of Segria, the western district of Barcelona, ​​including the city of Lleida.

Find fit response

Herd immunity can be reached by widespread vaccination, or when a sufficient number of populations have recovered after exposure to the infection. If enough people are immune to the disease, they rarely continue to spread from person to person. Having a coronavirus infection carried out and risking that many people become very ill with it is not an option-it will endanger too many lives.

And currently there is no vaccine against coronavirus-although hundreds are in development. The challenge is to create a jab that provides adequate protection. You need to train your body’s immune system to learn and remember how to make antibodies that can fight the coronavirus.

Scientists are worried that this “memory” is short-lived given the nature of the disease. Some people infected with coronaviruses develop protective antibodies, but experts still do not know how long these will last.

Colds are caused by similar viruses, and the body’s immune response quickly weakens them.

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Media captionsMechanism of vaccine and herd immunity

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