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New blood pressure drug baxdrostat shows promise in clinical trials

New blood pressure drug baxdrostat shows promise in clinical trials
New blood pressure drug baxdrostat shows promise in clinical trials


almost half of American adults experience high blood pressure, and only 1 in 4 of them have it under control. High blood pressure is a serious condition that is important to treat properly as it puts you at risk for serious complications such as heart disease and stroke.

There is now an new drug that is making a lot of noise because of how effective it is in controlling high blood pressure. As a result of Lower blood pressure by up to 20 points For patients whose high blood pressure has not been controlled with other drugs.

Exams published in jam Presented at the American Heart Association Annual Meeting, 248 patients with treatment-resistant hypertension were randomized to receive 0.5, 1, or 2 milligrams of baxdrostat once weekly, or placebo. were assigned to groups receiving The researchers found that the drug was well tolerated by patients, with people in the 2 milligram group lowering their blood pressure by 20 points. The researchers said in the study that it was likely due to taking other drugs more enthusiastically during the study period.

Baxdrostat is not yet available to the general public. It has to go through a phase 3 clinical trial and first get approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

But what is Baxdrostat? Here’s what you should know:

What is Baxdrostat?

Baxdrostat is an oral drug that targets a hormone called aldosterone, which regulates the amount of salt in the body. Baxdrostat blocks the enzyme your body needs to make aldosterone, explains study co-author Morris Brown, M.D., Ph.D., professor of endocrine hypertension at Queen Mary University of London. increase.

“Aldosterone is a chemical in the body that signals the kidneys to reabsorb water and sodium,” says Jamie Alan, M.D., associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University.. “Retaining more water increases total blood volume, which raises blood pressure.”

In clinical trials, baxdrostat had no side effects that differed from placebo, with the exception of dizziness in some patients when blood pressure dropped. could lead to problems, but I was still able to complete my research.

Again, what is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is a measure of blood pushing against the walls of arteries that carry blood from the heart to other areas of the body. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Blood pressure rises and falls during the day is normal, but high blood pressure for a long period of time can damage the heart and cause health problems, according to the CDC. Hypertension, also known as hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. According to the CDC, anyone with a systolic blood pressure (top number) above 130 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) above 80 mmHg is considered hypertensive. considered less than 80 mmHg.)

High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), but it can lead to serious health problems such as aneurysms, stroke, heart attack, and heart failure.

What are the current treatment options for hypertension?

According to the NHLBI, there are several ways to manage high blood pressure, including lifestyle changes and taking certain medications.

Lifestyle changes include:

  • eat heart-healthy foods like those found in dash dietwith a low-sodium diet.
  • Avoiding or limiting alcohol.
  • Get regular physical activity.
  • I am trying to reach and maintain a healthy weight.
  • avoid smoking;
  • Managing stress levels.
  • Get enough sleep.

But for some people just changing their lifestyle isn’t enough. There are several drugs that help lower blood pressure.

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prevent blood vessels from narrowing too much.
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) prevent narrowing of blood vessels.
  • Calcium channel blockers prevent calcium from entering muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diuretics such as thiazides remove excess water and sodium from the body and reduce the amount of water in the blood.
  • A beta blocker to help your heart beat slower and with less force.

But even that isn’t enough for some.In that case they are diagnosed with what is known as resistant hypertensionSo they’re on three medications and still haven’t been able to lower their blood pressure significantly. “People with resistant hypertension need to take three medications, including a diuretic, and that might work,” Dr. Brown says. recommended to try Spironolactone, like Baxdrostat, reduces the effects of aldosterone. “For some patients, that’s enough,” Dr. Brown says. “But the problem is that side effects can limit the dose.” (Common spironolactone side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, increased hair growth, and fatigue. medline plus.)

why the drug Do I need a Baxdrostat?

Refractory hypertension is a problem, says Allan, and is more common than many realize. increase. “We’ve found that the body is very good at compensating for it when we give it medicine to lower blood pressure. It’s great to have another tool in our arsenal.”

Yu-Ming Ni, MD, Cardiologist Memorial Care Cardiovascular Institute A doctor from Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, agreed, saying he was “very excited” about the results of the study. “Patients with resistant hypertension are at a much higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease,” he says. “These patients really need better care and there are many that we are struggling to help them recover from.”

Thomas Boyden, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of preventive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation at Corewell Health West, said the study’s results were “very impressive” and “substantial when compared to other medicines.” says. If future trials do well, “this opens up a lot of opportunities for patients,” he continues.

What’s Next for Baxdrostat?

It will be some time before vaxdrostat is generally available. “Phase 2 trials are not always successful,” Dr. Brown says. Still, researchers plan to launch a Phase III clinical trial early next year, which typically takes 12 to 18 months, he said. “Realistically, he will be in 2024 before the drug can be licensed,” Dr. Brown says.

Korin Miller is a freelance writer who specializes in general health, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, and has appeared in men’s health, women’s health, self, glamour, and more. . She has a master’s degree from American University, she lives by the sea, and one day she hopes to own a teacup, a pig and an octopus her truck.




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