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Florida teen who died at COVID-19 attended a church party and was given hydroxychloroquine by her parents: Report


FT. Myers, Florida. – Carsyn Leigh Davis already had many challenges in his 17 years of life. From the age of two, she fought many health problems including cancer and rare autoimmune diseases. However, her family said that Kashin had never beat her because of a serious illness at one time.

A high school student from Fort Myers died last month after a novel contract Coronavirus, Her death. It was the youngest virus-related death in Lee County at the time. It reportedly sent a shockwave through the community From the Washington Post..

Her mother, Carol Brunton Davis, shared in a statement shared on one of the funding pages: “In the face of COVID, we run out of breath, weep and complain, I have never expressed fear.”

Ah Examiner report Recently It was published, But raised the question about the case of Kirsin. Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner found that immunocompromised teens went to a large church party with about 100 other children, didn’t wear masks, and weren’t forced into social distances. I understand.

Almost a week after getting sick, before being taken to the hospital, during which time my parents submitted her hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug that the Food and Drug Administration has recommended by President Trump. Issued a warning about, Said the usage could cause potentially deadly cardiac rhythm problems.

The case of Kashin regained interest on Sunday. Published By a Florida data scientist Rebeka JonesDrew a backlash from critics, including, Medical Expert Condemned actions taken by a teenage family a few weeks before his death. Florida is Over 206,000 reported cases of coronavirus And at the beginning of Tuesday 3,880 died.

In her article Florida COVID Victim Jones described the church gathering as a “COVID party.” She claimed that Kirsin’s mother, Brunton Davis, took a teenager to the event and “intentionally exposed her immunocompromised daughter to the virus.”

After Kirsin’s death, the teen did not have an “easy life”, mainly because of her health complications, as Brunton Davis wrote in a statement. In addition to cancer and autoimmune disorders, she suffered from obesity and nervous system disorders, and she improved at the age of five, a medical examiner’s report said.

Still, Kashin remained active in her community, her family said. She was an honor student, a member of a high school bowling team, and devoted herself to volunteering at Special Olympics.

Kirsin’s family also said she was “a devout Christian and follower of Jesus,” and “was actively involved in the Youth Church at the first assembly of God in Fort.” Myers. “

On June 10, Cassin was one of the dozens of youth who attended the church events mentioned in the report. The report didn’t include details about the meeting, but Jones said Shared image Part of a June 10 post from the First Youth Church Facebook page advertises an upcoming event called “Release Party” that night. After that, the church page was deleted.

Medical inspectors wrote that Kassin’s parents took azithromycin between June 10 and 15 as a precautionary measure. Antibiotics in combination with hydroxychloroquine Floating on playing cards As potential Coronavirus processing. Brunton Davis is reportedly a nurse, and the man identified as Kathin’s father is a physician assistant.

Calcin felt sick while taking the drug and developed headaches, sinus pressure, and a mild cough, the report said. Then, on June 19, Brunton Davis noticed that Cassin “looked gray” when he was asleep, and his mother usually uses it for his grandfather, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I urged my daughter to catch oxygen.

At one point, curcin was also given by her parents hydroxychloroquine. This is a measure taken within a week after the FDA Withdrawn emergency use permit That drug and chloroquine, another antimalarial drug.

It is still unclear if Carsyn had a prescription for hydroxychloroquine.

Shortly after being given oxygen and hydroxychloroquine, Curcin’s parents took her to a local medical center. She was later transferred to a pediatric intensive care unit at a nearby children’s hospital where she was confirmed to be infected with coronavirus.

Calcin’s parents refused to intubate, and instead she began receiving plasma therapy, the report said. However, by June 22, her condition had not improved and “needed intubation,” the doctor said.

Despite “aggressive treatment and maneuverability,” Cursin still didn’t get better. She died shortly after 1 pm on June 23, two days after her 17th birthday.

Jones argued that Cursin’s death might have been prevented.

Jones Shared image Posted From a Facebook profile with the name Brunton Davis. One post expressed support for the anti-mask effort, and another post criticized the method doctors were using to treat cursin.

“Doctor refuses to give her hydroxychlorikine [sic]Citing a “new study” that it does not work and may be harmful. Using it is against their policy,” the post read. “This is very upsetting for me, as many of you know how I feel about it.”

On Sunday, Jones, who created an independent coronavirus dashboard after she said, Fired by the Florida Department of Health in May She was “very sad about this girl and her loss of life,” she wrote, as the state refused to make changes to the way the data was presented publicly.

“Every death on this website is tragic. Every minute lost in someone’s life is a tragedy,” she wrote with reference to her database. “But this accompanies me all the time, even after the virus has been torn through our community.”

Copyright 2020 by WKMG ClickOrlando-All rights reserved.


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