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Tips for managing diabetes when blood sugar is high or low | Health

Tips for managing diabetes when blood sugar is high or low | Health


manage Diabetes Maintaining blood sugar levels is difficult for most people with type 2 diabetes, especially when blood sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day. sugar levels in control Calorie intake tends to spike when you forget to take your medicine, so calorie intake increases, especially if you eat foods high in sugar or don’t have enough physical activity. increase the risk of disease.

If you have diabetes, it’s essential to control your blood sugar levels, as both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are dangerous conditions. These fluctuating blood sugar levels, also known as blood sugar excursions, can lead to poor quality of life for people with diabetes. It is necessary.

Management of high blood sugar:

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Fitterfly Consultant Diabetologist Dr. Vidya Walinjkar said: It can also lead to serious conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis or (HHNS) hyperglycemic hyperosmotic non-ketogenic syndrome, which can be a life-threatening emergency. Therefore, it is very important to treat hyperglycemia to prevent complications. “

She suggested: Drink plenty of water, exercise regularly as advised, and manage stress and sleep. Also, sugars and ketones should be monitored frequently. You may also need to see a nutritionist to change your eating habits. Most importantly, your doctor may change the amount, timing, or type of diabetes medication you take, so you should see a diabetes specialist to adjust your dosage. “

According to Dr. Niteesh Choudhry, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Advisor of Decipher Health, it’s a good idea to see your doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms like fatigue, excessive thirst, or blurred vision. He said, “You may be prescribed to take additional medications or increase your fluid intake. For example, a consistently poor diet will only require more medication and make sugar levels harder to control. Dietary choices can significantly reduce dosage.”

Arguing that there is no one-size-fits-all diabetic-friendly diet, he argued, “Different foods containing carbohydrates can have different effects on different people, and advances in machine learning and AI are helping us make dietary recommendations.” The science of chrononutrition further shows that even small changes in the way we eat can affect blood sugar levels. Eating the protein portion of your meal before or starting your meal with a bowl of salad can help prevent sugar spikes in the future.

Management of hypoglycemia:

Dr. Vidya Walinjkar explains: If his blood sugar is below 70mg/dl on the glucometer, it is dangerous, especially if left untreated. Hypoglycemia can cause a variety of symptoms, including weakness or fatigue, sweating, headaches, increased hunger, anxiety, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, trouble thinking, blurred vision or double vision, rapid or pounding heart. can cause it. “

She said, “Leaving severe hypoglycemia untreated, or leaving less than 55 mg/dl of sugar on a glucometer, can lead to seizures, convulsions, unconsciousness, or coma.” Low sugar levels can also lead to unconsciousness known as hypoglycemic unconsciousness.That is why frequent monitoring with a glucometer or CGMS is very important.” is recommended.

1. Eat something with about 15 grams of carbohydrates, such as a glucose tablet, fruit juice, or candy.

2. Double check your blood sugar.

3. If you don’t feel better within 15 minutes, have another snack with 15 grams of carbs.

If you still feel unwell, call your doctor immediately. Dr. Vidya Walinjkar emphasized:

-Both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can quickly become a medical emergency.Therefore it is important to prevent them

– Monitor your blood sugar frequently with the help of either a glucometer or a CGMS continuous glucose monitor

-Be aware of symptoms of both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia and treat them immediately to optimize blood sugar levels.

– Be careful when exercising, drinking, fasting, or fasting.

– Carry snacks and glucose with you when traveling or exercising

– Also, if hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia persists, consult your diabetes care team frequently to prevent it

-Also, check for diabetes complications such as kidney function, liver function tests, etc. as advised by your diabetes specialist.

Dr. Niteesh Choudhry draws on his expertise in the same way, stating: meal. The key in this situation is to follow the 15-15 rule with 15 grams of carbohydrates such as glucose tablets, fruit juices and 1 tablespoon of sugar to raise blood sugar. Please check. If you are not back in your target range, repeat the process. Consistently experiencing high and low sugar levels can be problematic and is a sign to see your doctor immediately.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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