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Postpartum Glucose Tolerance and Breastfeeding Care, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Postpartum Glucose Tolerance and Breastfeeding Care, Health News, ET HealthWorld
Postpartum Glucose Tolerance and Breastfeeding Care, Health News, ET HealthWorld


Postpartum glucose tolerance and breastfeeding care

Artika Bansal

New Delhi: For Every Mother breastfeeding It is an emotional and bonding experience with your child. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for healthy growth and development for all infants. But I also have a mom who lives with me. Diabetes With diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, you have to deal with various difficulties when it comes to breastfeeding.

Mothers may be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes. In gestational diabetes, the mother develops a temporary condition in which the body cannot produce enough. insulin To meet extra needs during pregnancy. For mothers undergoing long-term treatment for diabetes, proper control of blood glucose levels can minimize health risks for mother and child. In any of her three diagnosed diabetic conditions, breastfeeding increases insulin sensitivity and has long-term positive effects on glucose metabolism. For T1D, breastfeeding reduces the amount of insulin needed. For T2 diabetes, breastfeeding reduces the severity of diabetes. For gestational diabetes, breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of developing diabetes later in life.

Breastfed infants are safer against infections and allergies and are protected against many chronic diseases. Analytical studies show that breastfeeding for only the first few weeks of life may reduce the risk of childhood-onset T1D by 15%.

role of insulin in breastfeeding success

Insulin, which is affected by diabetes, also plays a major role in breast milk production. Therefore, it is very important for pregnant women with gestational diabetes or pregestational diabetes to control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications.

Due to the high metabolic demands, blood sugar levels may drop rapidly during and after breastfeeding. However, breastfeeding is also known to help improve sugar metabolism in the mother. Dr. Ankita Chandna, Associate Director of Gynecology, said: weeks postpartum compared to women who did not breastfeed. Insulin levels and insulin-to-glucose ratios were significantly reduced, and carbohydrate utilization and total energy expenditure increased. ”

For a long time, insulin was not thought to have a role in regulating milk-producing cells in the human breast. This is because these cells do not require insulin for blood sugar levels (glucose). However, it is now recognized that insulin does more than just promote sugar uptake. Published in PLoS ONE In a new study by researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University of California, Davis, scientists explain that insulin plays a key role in breastfeeding success. During breastfeeding, the mammary glands become very sensitive to insulin. In particular, this study focused on the PTPRF gene, which is known to repress insulin-triggered intracellular signals, and may serve as a biomarker linking insulin resistance and inadequate breast milk supply. did.

For diabetic mothers, milk production is slow during the first few days. It tends to increase more slowly than non-diabetic mothers. Proper control of blood sugar levels can help manage milk production. Even fluctuations in insulin levels can affect breast milk production.To prevent such situations, his Dr. Tushar Parikh, a consultant-neonatologist and pediatrician at the Motherhood Hospital of Pune, said: said to The key is to prepare for breastfeeding, stay focused on exclusive breastfeeding, and adopt practices for early post-pregnancy initiation and improved breastfeeding. ”

Good diabetes control is milk prolactin Increase concentration to minimize breastfeeding delays in insulin-dependent diabetics. The main antidiabetic drugs are insulin and metformin. Insulin is a normal component of breast milk and can in turn help reduce the risk of diabetes in infants, while metformin was the drug of choice for initial treatment of her T2D and is present in low concentrations in breast milk. is included. Dr. Seema Sharma, Associate Her Director of Gynecology and Obstetrics at her Cloudnine Group of Hospitals in Chandigarh, said: Glibenclamide and glipizide are not excreted in breast milk, so they can be used safely. Metformin is excreted in breast milk and does not appear to adversely affect babies, but extensive research is needed before it can be recommended. , it is important to check with your doctor as the amount of insulin you need may change.

Potential health risks for young children

Infants should be exclusively breastfed for at least the first 6 months.For diabetic mothers, it is important to pay close attention to blood sugar levels during pregnancy and breastfeeding to limit health risks for the child. hypoglycemia Immediately after birth, i.e. 1 week after birth. These babies may become lethargic and eat less,” Dr Parikh said. However, babies born with low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can be breastfed along with skin-to-skin contact with the mother as a treatment to regulate insulin levels after birth. The mother’s infant is larger than other babies, which makes delivery difficult, especially since diabetic mothers are more likely to give birth by caesarean section.

Neonatal hypoglycemia can cause infants to require neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) monitoring. In such situations, when mothers are unable to provide their children with full breastfeeding, breast milk banks come to the rescue. Breast milk banks collect, screen, pasteurize, and distribute voluntarily donated human milk to hospitals and recipients in need. In fact, holder pasteurization of milk has been shown to reduce insulin levels.

About breast milk donation for diabetes, Dr. Satish Tiwari, Founder and Convener of Indian Breast Milk Bankers Association said: Diabetic breast milk does not harm your baby or the recipient baby through breast milk banks. Diabetes does not affect the quantity or quality of breast milk. So, if there are any myths or misconceptions about diabetes mothers providing breast milk, they should be heeded. Since breast milk provided by diabetic mothers poses no threat to the infant, Dr. Tiwari advised all such mothers to provide extra breast milk after feeding their babies. We also informed them that there is no specific screening protocol for milk provided by diabetic mothers.

Postpartum and breastfeeding have been proven to be beneficial for diabetic mothers as they significantly reduce insulin requirements. As a precautionary measure for a smooth pregnancy and breastfeeding, diabetic mothers are encouraged to keep their blood sugar levels monitored and take their medications as advised. It is also important to manage health parameters. Regular check-ups are recommended to detect complications of diabetes early.

Experts advise mothers to avoid myths about diabetes and breastfeeding, and to ensure that infants are exclusively breastfed. With proper diabetes management, breastfeeding offers many benefits for both mother and child. It is also important to be aware of possible complications and recommended preventive measures.




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