Is the airborne route the leading cause of coronavirus infection?
![Credit: Shutterstock Is the airborne route the leading cause of coronavirus infection?](
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As the world continues to work on coronavirus pandemics, the question of whether COVID-19 can be transmitted via the air is emerging.
In fact, 239 scientists from 32 countries Open letter Air routes to the World Health Organization (WHO) Infection; infection Of COVID-19.
Like many issues with pandemics, what appears to be a relatively straightforward question is seemingly complex. Certainly I don’t know the answer.
Why do you need to understand the mode of transmission?
Understanding how COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person can help design effective public health interventions to minimize the risk of transmission.
For example, we recommend keeping 1.5 meters ahead Consensus is one of the main ways a virus spreads splash..
These “big” droplets are usually Greater than 5 micrometers When you sneeze, cough, or talk, it’s driven by the mucus and saliva in your nose and mouth.
Due to gravity, these large droplets usually do not move before landing. If you are more than 1.5 meters away from an infected person, you are likely to be away from the path of the droplets.
Similarly, understanding that these large droplets can land on surfaces and that viruses can survive on these surfaces, wash hands To prevent the virus from reaching our mouth, nose, or eyes.
To date, WHO has maintained these large droplets. Main source of information Of COVID-19 transmission. But the author Open letter They suggest that they do not play an airborne role.
Aerial transmission and COVID-19
In its simplest interpretation, Airborne Refers to the ability of a virus to spread by droplets that are small enough to float in the air. These droplets are less than 5 micrometers in size and are commonly referred to as aerosols.
Large droplets can travel only a short distance, whereas these smaller droplets could theoretically spread further and remain in the room after the infected person leaves.
Evidence supporting the idea that COVID-19 infections can occur via the airborne route takes several forms.
the first, Laboratory research SARS-CoV-2, Coronavirus This causes COVID-19, which can be aerosolized and can last up to 4 hours in this form.
Secondly, Genetic material SARS-CoV-2 was detected in a hospital sampled aerosol. Two hospitals in Wuhan, The Chinese city where the pandemic occurred. However, it is important to note that the presence of this genetic material does not necessarily mean that the virus is infectious in this form.
However, perhaps the strongest evidence comes from various case reports of superdiffusion events. These are situations where many people appear to be infected with the coronavirus without close contact.
One of the first notable examples is Chorus practice In the United States, nearly 50 people were infected, despite their physical distance. Two people died.
Another example is Outbreak In Guangzhou, China, 10 people from three families were infected with COVID-19 after eating at a restaurant. The uninfected person was not in close contact with the infected person, but the infected person was in the direct line of one air conditioning unit.
Although this outbreak study has not been peer reviewed, Part of the evidence Draw by the creator of the open letter.
What are the effects of airborne transmission?
The airborne transmission of this new coronavirus, if it occurs frequently, means that the virus can generally be transmitted in the absence of close contact, so it is potentially worrisome.
In addition, the virus may move in the airstream and may be further infected. air conditioning..
This means that social distances are not always effective, especially congestion in poorly ventilated indoor areas is a major threat.
Where does this leave us?
The key question is not whether airborne transmission is theoretically possible. That’s for sure. But rather, how important is its role in COVID-19 infection?
For example, if most of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is via large droplets, and the airborne route only occasionally plays a role, this has very different implications from the scenario where the airborne route is an important transmission mode. Have.
Reassuringly, interventions that have been implemented to limit the spread of the virus, such as social distance, have so far been largely successful in most of Australia. this is, Virus It is unlikely to be the primary route of transmission, as it can spread via air routes.
Given what we know, the dilemma is whether to adopt the precautionary principle and assume that airborne routes play an important role in the transmission of the disease, and adjust the infection control accordingly. This may take the form of encouraging wider use of masks and considering increasing ventilation in confined spaces.
Another approach is to wait for clearer evidence before changing public health advice.
We look forward to your interest in the WHO response to open letters.
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Quote: Is the Airborne Route the Major Cause of Coronavirus Infection? (7 July 2020) Retrieved from on 7 July 2020.
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