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Artificial light during sleep linked to increased diabetes risk

Artificial light during sleep linked to increased diabetes risk


Editor’s note: Apply CNN’s Sleep, But Better newsletter series. A 7-part guide with helpful tips to help you sleep better.


A study of about 100,000 Chinese adults found that sleeping outside in a room exposed to artificial light at night could increase your risk of developing diabetes.

People who lived in areas with high nighttime light pollution in China were about 28% more likely to develop diabetes than those who lived in the least polluted areas, the journal Diabetologia reported Tuesday. According to a study.

Ultimately, more than 9 million cases of diabetes among Chinese adults over the age of 18 could be attributed to outdoor light pollution at night, the authors say, with more people moving to cities. That number is likely to increase as time goes on, he added.

However, the lack of darkness affects more than urban areas. Urban light pollution is so widespread that it can affect suburban areas and forest parks tens or even hundreds of miles from the source, the authors say.

“This study supports previous research on the potential detrimental effects of nighttime light on metabolic function and diabetes risk,” said director of the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. Phyllis Zee, Ph.D.she was not involved in the study

Previous studies have shown that artificial light at night and weight gain and obesity,confusion metabolic function, insulin secretion and the development of diabetesWhen cardiovascular risk factors.

a study Published earlier this year Zee and her team investigated the role of light in sleep in healthy adults in their twenties. Turn off the sound and sleep only for one night with dim light such as TV, Raised blood sugar and heart rate in young people Experimenting in the sleep lab.

Nocturnal heart rate increase Previous research While being a risk factor for future heart disease and premature death, elevated blood sugar levels are a sign of insulin resistance, which can ultimately lead to type 2 diabetes.

“Healthy sleep is very important in preventing the development of diabetes,” says Dr. Gareth Nye, Senior Lecturer in Physiology at the University of Chester, UK. He was not involved in diabetes research.

“Studies suggest that inconsistent sleep patterns are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes,” he said in a statement.

The new study used data from the 2010 Chinese Non-Communicable Diseases Surveillance Study. In this study, a representative sample of the Chinese population was asked about sociodemographics, lifestyle factors, medical history and family health history. Blood samples were collected and compared with satellite images of light levels in the regions of China where each person lived.

The analysis found that chronic exposure to light pollution at night raised blood sugar levels and increased the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

The direct relationship between diabetes and nighttime light pollution is still unknown, but living in urban areas is known to contribute to the development of diabetes, Nye explained.

“It has long been known to live in (some) Urbanized areas increase the risk of obesity due to increased access to high-fat and convenience foods, lower physical activity levels due to transport connections, and reduced social activity,” Nye said. I am writing.

Strategies to reduce nighttime light levels include placing beds away from windows and using blackout blinds. If low light levels persist, try a sleep mask to protect your eyes.

Be aware of the type of light you have in your bedroom and ban light in the blue spectrum emitted by electronic devices such as televisions, smartphones, tablets and laptops. Blue light is the most stimulating kind of light, says Zee.

“If you have to keep the lights on for safety reasons, change the color. You should choose lights with a more reddish or brownish hue,” she said. If that’s the case, she suggested keeping it dim and at floor level so it’s more reflective than at bed level and next to your eyes.

Avoid sleeping with the TV on. If you tend to fall asleep with the TV on, set a timer, Zee suggested.

Dim the lights around you at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, and “If you must use a computer or other screen that emits light, change the screen’s light wavelength to a longer orange-amber wavelength.” Please,” Zee said. “The important thing is to have light during the day. Sunshine is good for your health!”




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