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Can Covid-19 lead to depression? Here’s everything you need to know

Can Covid-19 lead to depression? Here’s everything you need to know


Covid cases around the world are beginning to subside, but side effects have not.The risk of developing depressive symptoms remains high up to a year after recovering from Covid, according to a New York Times report. is.

A number of studies have been conducted to prove the relationship between COVID and mental health. WHO report, Covid has taken a devastating toll on mental health, showing that cases of anxiety and depression have increased by more than 25% worldwide. It determined that cases of major depressive disorder increased by 27.6% worldwide in 2018 alone. In the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a 25.6% increase in anxiety disorder cases worldwide.

Ziyad Al-Ali, Ph.D., a clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. Louis and director of research and development for the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System, told The New York Times that coronavirus has something to do with it. rice field. brain.

“This is an earthquake-like event,” Dr. Al-Aly said. He added that some people go on to depression, others have stroke, anxiety, memory problems, and sensory disturbances, while others have no neurological or psychiatric illness.

Megan Hosey, a rehabilitation psychologist who works with ICU patients at Johns Hopkins Hospital, told The New York Times that patients who suffered from severe Covid-19 symptoms and had to be hospitalized during their illness He said he was likely to have depression.

WHO reports that woman and girl More susceptible than men, young people, especially those between the ages of 20 and 24, were more affected than older adults. The study also showed that people living with mental disorders were at higher risk of serious illness and death from Covid.

Additionally, patients who experience severe sleep disturbances, social isolation, or significant changes in behavior are more likely to face depression after physical symptoms of Covid-19 disappear.

Studies have revealed that the coronavirus can affect the brain. In fact, more than a third of his patients are estimated to develop neurological symptoms. Stephanie Collier, M.D., a psychiatry instructor at Harvard Medical School, said that apart from such infections, the pandemic has worsened mental health outcomes through psychological tolls such as isolation, loneliness, unemployment and economic stressors. I explained that I let

“Antidepressant prescriptions are on the rise, intimate partner violence is on the rise, and suicidal thoughts are on the rise, especially among young adults.”

Signs of depression due to covid

A low profile for days or weeks after initial recovery is a sign of depression. Fatigue and overwhelm that interfere with daily activities and negatively affect relationships with others can be signs of depression, says Dr. Hosey.

Apart from this, some people experience sadness, tears, irritability, changes in appetite or weight, difficulty thinking or concentrating, or feelings of immense guilt, worthlessness, and hopelessness.

People suffering from severe depression may also have suicidal thoughts.

Recovery from depression due to Covid

Consulting an expert is the ideal approach. According to Dr. Hosey, “Recovery from depression is a highly individualized process.” Many people recover with short-term treatment, but relapses can occur. She also added that some cases resolve without treatment.

Eating right and getting enough sleep can also be small steps towards solving mental health issues. Some research suggests that exercise and meditation may also help heal the mind in some cases.

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