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California reports its first child under age 5 to die from flu and RSV this season.

California reports its first child under age 5 to die from flu and RSV this season.
California reports its first child under age 5 to die from flu and RSV this season.


California health officials warn families to take precautions against influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, known as RSV, in children under the age of 5. and died.

The California Department of Health reported the child’s death on Monday and said identifying details of the child would not be released to protect family privacy. This is the first time that deaths of any nature and age group have been reported.

“Young children are most vulnerable to serious complications from respiratory syncytial virus and influenza, especially if they have underlying medical conditions or are premature,” officials said.

State public health officer and health director Dr. Thomas Aragon said the child’s death was a “clear reminder”.

“Respiratory viruses can be deadly, especially in very young children and infants,” Aragon said. I’m here. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) Outbreak – and urge parents and caregivers to get their children vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19 as soon as possible. “

Aragon also urged people to follow “basic prevention tips” of washing their hands frequently, wearing masks and staying home when sick.

California has seen an increase in positive antigen RSV tests since August, reaching a positive rate of 28.7% by mid-October. Centers for Disease Control and PreventionAround the same time nationwide, 17% PCR positive CDC data show a slight drop in antigen positivity rates of approximately 15%. The data were last reviewed by the CDC on November 2nd.

The rapidly spreading disease prompted Orange County, California, to declare a state of emergency on October 31, which officials said was due to the outbreak.number of records Pediatric admissions and daily emergency room visits. ”

Each year, RSV is about 58,000 hospitalizations According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, children under the age of five cause approximately 14,000 deaths among older adults.

Influenza is trending. this year, 5 child deaths Infections with influenza have been reported to the CDC. In the last week alone, nationwide, he has hospitalized more than 6,400 people with the flu.

Doctors elsewhere are concerned about the virus’ triple threat. Dyan Hes, M.D., medical director of New York’s Gramercy Pediatrics, told CBS News on Monday that RSV tends to be like a “cold” for most children, but causes breathing difficulties for some. Said it’s possible.

Symptoms of RSV tend to resemble those of the flu and COVID-19, she said. Any concerns should be addressed by a pediatrician, she said.

“The problem is that these kids have been masked for two years, so they’ve been sick,” she said.

The combination of diseases became known as the “triple demic” and already full There are many pediatric ICUs in Japan. In many parts of the country, these ICUs are full, he said earlier this month, CBS News medical contributor David Agus, Ph. I added that there are




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