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Prescription cough medicine is sending kids to hospital, FDA warns

Prescription cough medicine is sending kids to hospital, FDA warns
Prescription cough medicine is sending kids to hospital, FDA warns


The Food and Drug Administration warns that a little-known prescription cough medicine called benzonatate is in the hands of children, sending them to hospitals. calls, hospitalizations, and even deaths.

The study was published November 15 in the journal PediatricsFDA researchers analyzed data from national databases and poison control centers, as well as previous studies.

They found that the number of prescriptions for benzonatate increased between 2012 and 2019. There was also an increase in the rate of intentional (misuse or abuse) and unintentional exposure of children to benzonatate between 2010 and 2018. and about 1,030 intentional exposures.about 906 cases suspected suicide attempt.

Children under 5 years of age were most likely to experience unintentional exposure to the drug, and older children (aged 10 to 16 years) had the highest rate of intentional exposure. Most of the exposed children experienced mild or no problems, but some (about 2,775) required hospitalization.

“The most important finding of our study is that drug safety considerations go beyond the safe and appropriate use of prescription drugs,” lead study author Ivone Kim, Ph.D., told TODAY via email. β€œAt home access to benzonatate may pose a risk of unintentional ingestion by young children. It may lead to misuse or abuse of the product.”

medicine, AmazingAnthony F. Pizon, Ph.D., chief of medical toxicology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, today desensitizes the receptors in the lungs that trigger the cough response. It is thought to work by

In fact, infants under the age of five can experience choking, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures immediately after taking just one benzonatate tablet.

These effects can start appearing within an hour of taking the drug, says Pizon, but the exact problems a child may experience will depend on the dose and weight taken. .

There were 3 deaths from unintentional benzonatate use recorded in the study, 6 deaths related to intentional or misuse, and 2 deaths from suspected suicide.

The results should help patients understand that as physicians move away from frequently prescribing opioid cough medicines, alternatives like benzonatate also carry risks that can affect the whole family. suggests that, an expert said today.

“Because benzonatate is a minor drug and is prescribed very infrequently, I haven’t given much thought to it,” Pizon said. But after reading the study, “I’m not surprised,” he said, adding that it underscores how important it is for patients to find ways to control their coughs.

Unfortunately, it makes sense that the number of children exposed to a particular drug would increase with the prescription of that drug. It’s a simple product that does what it does,” Pizon said.

For example, parents prescribed benzonatate, which is not approved for use in children under the age of 10, may give the drug to their sick child as well, Pizon explained. , Sheroff said, children could wander into unsafe pill containers and eat them.

“I’ve seen parents put pills in bags and put them in their purses, and kids put them in their purses.” I like the

Oral exploration “is a normal part of infant development, and young children may be tempted to consume objects resembling candy,” Kim said, adding that the study’s findings suggest that benzonatate may It has been suggested that access facilitates such unintended ingestion.

If benzonatate is in your home, an expert told TODAY parents can keep their children safe by:

  • Store the medicine in its original childproof container.
  • Store medication in a lockbox or other secure location.
  • Give benzonatate only to people for whom it is intended.
  • Properly dispose of unused medicines.

If you think your child may have ingested benzonatate, call your local poison control center or, because effects can appear very quickly, call 911 or go to the emergency room. You have to go straight.

Health professionals should emphasize that while benzonatate is potentially safer than other cough medicines, it is not harmless, Pizon said. FDA does not recommend Even over-the-counter cough medicines for children do not, as the risks often outweigh the benefits.

“Cough is often a symptom of another underlying condition, and effective treatment includes evaluation and treatment of these conditions,” explained Kim. “In most cases, supportive care may be the mainstay of cough treatment.”

Providers may want to help patients dealing with coughs by prescribing something like benzonatate. method, but there may be more harm than good in offering this.




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