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Managing mental health during a global pandemic

Anxiety, depression and loneliness are increasing throughout the UK. People are reporting higher levels of stress and worry than ever before. And mental health problems have long been a problem for many, and COVID-19 makes them worse.

Communications expert Mylo Kaye“Without mental health, there is no quality of life. It’s the single most important challenge facing the country. Many are already suffering before the pandemic, navigating coronaviruses in bulk. As more and more people report greater difficulty, there is no doubt that there is a mental health crisis in the country, including isolation and loneliness of lockdowns, fear of the virus itself, and worries about money.”

How does a pandemic affect people’s mental health?

Mylo trains as a counselor, so she can make a difference and be part of the solution. “To live in the midst of a global pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime trauma for many. It’s arguably the biggest global health emergency in the United Kingdom since the 1918 Spanish flu. It’s about learning how to live with a vaccine and how it can help millions of mentally challenged people while the vaccine is being developed.”

During the Mental Health Awareness Week in May 2020, Rethinking mental illness We investigated how people with severe mental illness deal with during a pandemic. According to Alex Kennedy, Head of Charity Campaigns and Public Relations, the pandemic has already extended to the limits of mental health services in the UK, with serious consequences: Getting the support they needed was difficult. Many people were simply said to be ill to be supported by their GP but not enough to gain professional care. “

Just before the pandemic, NHS long-term plan We have begun to address these longstanding issues. However, the strategy was abruptly stopped by the advent of COVID-19, leaving vulnerable people on the extremities. A study conducted by a charity asked people living with mental illness to discuss how a pandemic affected access to services.

No access to mental health services

Research shows that some people may not have easy access to the help they need, while others may need to adapt to online or virtual services. Currently, face-to-face therapy appointments are made by phone or online, and access to the inpatient ward is completely suspended.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” service for people suffering from mental illness, and their response to these changes is mixed. But a trivial number from the report is that 42% of the respondents say their mental health deteriorates during the pandemic.

Mylo says: “Many people are struggling with the remote support currently available. They may be phobic, isolated, or worried about their lack of privacy. You will find that there is an immediate need for the help of face-to-face mental health, which works in the short term.Dramatically lowering the mental health of people with pre-existing illness is due to our It shows how important it is. We now need to adapt these services to work with this new standard.”

Different groups of people affected by COVID-19

Evidence shows that, as with people who already have a mental illness Different groups of people We are reporting a new mental health issue. Group lockdown is also quite different.

“Balanced mental health is clearly linked to physical health,” says Mylo. All of these support positive community outcomes for society as a whole and individuals within society. Poor mental health is often associated with various socio-economic conditions, such as unemployment, bill payments, and concerns such as poverty. “

Unsurprisingly, statistics show that coronaviruses have been a huge blow to people living in poorer and poorer areas. There is also evidence to show that Increased mental health disorders The next time of the disaster, including after a previous virus outbreak.

“To put all this together, it’s clear that responding to COVID-19 is likely to have serious and long-term adverse effects on UK mental health,” said Mylo. “Increasing stressors, lack of access to access services, and coping mechanisms have been one of the country’s greatest challenges since World War II.”

How do people say that COVID-19 affects mental health?

by Opinion and lifestyle survey With a government covering May 28-31, 2020, more than two-thirds of adults are worried about COVID-19 and its impact on life. The most common problems cited are concern about the future (63%) and anxiety or stress (56%).

Another study First two months of lockdown The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) shows that on average, mental health is worse by more than 8% compared to the pre-pandemic trajectory. And the groups (women and adolescents) who already had more serious mental health problems before COVID-19 were hit hardest by the pandemic.

“It’s important to see drivers for these worsening mental health problems,” Mylo says. “Pandemics cause multiple stressors in the general population, further increasing the level of mental illness.”

Main Factors Contributing to Lower Mental Health

  1. isolation – Lockdown means isolation for many. This is even worse for those who continue to be shielded or who live alone. However, the percentage of those who often feel lonely during lockdown (5%, 2.6 million) isn’t really like the pre-pandemic numbers. More strongly influenced by loneliness, groups in this category include working-age adults living alone, renting people, and being in poor health.
  2. finance – The economic impact of the pandemic caused immediate mental health problems right from the start. According to the Mental Health Foundation, more than one-third of full-time workers were immediately afraid to lose their jobs. In addition, toll charges for the unemployed are strict and are extremely wide. Nearly half are worried that they and their families may not be able to eat, and one-fifth consider suicide.
  3. housing – The ability to buy a home has a major impact on people’s mental health. Tenants struggle during a pandemic more than those who own their home. The quality of housing and people’s surroundings has also been plunged into rapid relief due to forced home stays. For example, 12% of UK households have no external space at all.
  4. Access to help – Access to mental health services is important for people with mental illness. Prior to the pandemic, service was already at its limit and lockdown was even worse. According to Royal Pychiatrists, almost 50% say there has been an increase in emergencies since the blockade began. Mind, a mental health charity, found in April that almost 25% of those seeking help from mental health services had completely failed.

“Good mental health is important not only to individuals, but at the national level as well, and as a nation, it will be able to deal with the increased stressors caused by the crisis,” Mylo says. “The impact we have on mental health during a pandemic can also cause problems for people’s health. Our community needs to invest in mental health services As an urgent matter. Failure to respect mental health services during this outbreak will create more problems in the future. “

Milo Kay As an experienced business leader, he is passionate about helping people and businesses make a difference through CSR and sustainability. He is in the process of becoming a qualified mental health counselor.

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