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A multi-level Julich Brain Atlas may help study psychiatric and aging disorders

A multi-level Julich Brain Atlas may help study psychiatric and aging disorders
A multi-level Julich Brain Atlas may help study psychiatric and aging disorders


The multi-level Julich Brain Atlas, developed by Human Brain Project researchers, may help study psychiatric and aging disorders by correlating brain networks with their underlying anatomy. . By mapping the microarchitecture with an unprecedented level of detail, Atlas enables a better understanding of brain connectivity and function. HBP researchers published an overview of the Julich Brain Atlas in the journal. biological psychiatryThis paper focuses on the cellular and receptor structures of the human brain and how atlases are applied in the field of psychiatric research.

Cytoarchitecture, the study of cell distribution, density, and morphology in the nervous system, has a long history in brain mapping. Neuroscientists first noticed structural differences between cortical regions in the late 1800s and began dividing it into distinct regions. This region has been thought to have important correlations with brain function and dysfunction. In addition to cellular structures, the Julich Brain Atlas also includes maps of the neurotransmitter receptors that regulate brain activity. Neurotransmitter receptors differ not only between regions, but also between different layers of regions, and are therefore closely related to their connectivity patterns and their roles in larger networks. Based on data collected from postmortem brains, Atlas accounts for spontaneous variability between subjects by creating probability maps in 3D space rather than individual brain-only maps.

The Julich Brain Atlas is a ‘living’ atlas that grows with new insights into the constantly integrated brain compartments. It has been linked, for example, to other maps obtained from studies of fiber tracts in the living human brain. Such macroscopic and microscopic data have been integrated into HBP’s Multilevel Human Brain Atlas and are openly accessible in the EBRAINS digital research infrastructure via the siibra software tool suite.

The researchers listed recent examples of the tool’s use in various peer-reviewed studies. For example, users can analyze and share high-resolution image data and compare it with fMRI datasets. They can examine the cytoarchitecture of a particular region and its connectivity, both within that region and with other regions. Using a special tool called JuGEX, maps can be linked to gene expression data from the Allen Brain Atlas, enabling multimodal investigations. For example, using the Julich Brain Atlas, researchers identified a new brain region that plays a role in major depressive disorder. Neuroimaging data from patients revealed region-specific changes in gray matter volume and activation. Using JuGEX, these findings were further associated with regional differences in the expression of several candidate genes for major depressive disorder. Individual personalized maps of aging or impairment can also be extracted from large population studies to provide diagnostic tools for dementia.


Journal reference:

Zakrod, D., and others. (2022) Mapping cellular and receptor architectures to understand brain function and connectivity. biological psychiatry.




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