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5 Proven Ways to Control Blood Sugar

5 Proven Ways to Control Blood Sugar


write for Washington Post/Consumer Reports, Sari Harrar, debunks common misconceptions about diet and blood sugar control and offers five tips to help individuals regulate their blood sugar levels.

Why are we interested in regulating blood sugar levels?

Currently, about 20% of the 37 million American adults with diabetes and more than 80% of the 96 million people with pre-diabetes are unaware that they have the condition.

“Diabetes and pre-diabetes are of particular concern because they mean a higher risk of heart disease, vision, kidney and nerve damage, and even some cancers,” Haller wrote.

According to Hope Warshaw, a certified diabetes care and education specialist, diet is a tool that helps regulate blood sugar and glucose levels, making it the right choice for avoiding or managing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. emphasizes the importance of

especially, “[a] A healthy diet can be especially helpful for older people,” Haller said.

For example, Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study Older adults with prediabetes found that when they made healthier diet choices, exercised regularly, and lost weight, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes was reduced by 71% over the 2.8-year study period.

Eventually,”[t]The goal of following a diabetic or pre-diabetic diet is to prevent insulin resistance,” Haller wrote. Insulin pumps glucose into cells where it is used for energy. Insulin resistance occurs when the pancreas cannot keep up with insulin demand. ”

Over time, less insulin is produced, leaving blood sugar levels higher than they should be. According to Warshaw, diets that increase insulin sensitivity are important for people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. It also helps prevent these conditions in others.

5 tips for regulating blood sugar

1. Consume the Right Kind of Carbs

Deciding which carbs to eat or how much to control glucose can be difficult, points out Haller.

“‘Bread is the enemy’ is a phrase I’ve heard many times in my career,” says Lisa Jones, a registered dietitian who provides advice to people with diabetes and prediabetes. increase. “Also, people who are newly diagnosed with diabetes say, ‘I can’t eat fruit because it contains sugar.'”

However, there are many different types of carbohydrates. “Studies show that foods such as refined flour, potatoes, and foods high in sugar can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly and increase the risk of diabetes. For example, 2019 study was announced in diabetes care People who cut down on sugary drinks by one a day were found to have a 10% lower risk of diabetes.

On the other hand, whole foods containing carbohydrates such as fruits, beans and whole grains have fiber, which can slow the rise in blood sugar after meals. ”

Other research supports the benefits of certain carbohydrates. study 55,465 seniors and Australians study Starting in 2021, researchers found that middle-aged and older adults who consumed about two servings of fruit daily were 36% less likely to develop diabetes over five years than those who ate no fruit. .

2. Lose weight (doesn’t have to be much)

Being overweight increases your risk of diabetes by sending extra fat to your muscle cells, making it harder for your muscles to absorb blood sugar. However, “sometimes people with diabetes or pre-diabetes feel overwhelmed by the numbers and think they need to lose a lot of weight,” says Jones.

“Really, just a little amount makes a big difference,” said Jones.

Still, “I don’t care if someone loses 25 pounds,” Warshaw said. “We recommend losing 5, 10, or 15 pounds relative to your size and maintaining as much weight as possible. I have.”

3. Eat Healthy Fats

According to 2016 studyChoosing unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, and fish, instead of saturated fats, such as butter and lean meats, can lower blood sugar levels enough to reduce the risk of diabetes by 22%.

“Fat is not just a carrier of calories, it is the most important structural molecule in the body,” says Dean Dariush Mozaffarian. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and policy and Tufts University.

4. Consult Your Doctor Before Taking Supplements

2020 study was announced in BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care Sixty-two percent of adults with diabetes in the United States age 65 and older were found to take supplements such as cinnamon, bitter gourd, fenugreek and magnesium.

according to NIH (National Institutes of Health)Many manufacturers claim their supplements “support” healthy blood sugar levels or claim to be a “natural diabetes cure,” but scientific evidence they work. There are very few.

“My approach is food first,” Jones said. “So try adding cinnamon to whole wheat toast, fruit salad, or coffee. Also, check with your doctor before taking any supplements,” Haller adds.

5. Skip Highly Processed Diabetic Bars and Shakes

2022 study Of more than 70,000 people, those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods had an approximately 80% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who consumed the least.

“Products designed to manage blood sugar levels may help, but they are highly processed foods and contain protein extracts or isolates, many additives, and sugar substitutes. (Haller, washington post/consumer report11/14)




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