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E-cigarettes, marijuana, can affect the heart like traditional cigarettes, new study finds

E-cigarettes, marijuana, can affect the heart like traditional cigarettes, new study finds
E-cigarettes, marijuana, can affect the heart like traditional cigarettes, new study finds


San Francisco (cron) — A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco has found evidence that e-cigarettes and marijuana have the same detrimental effects on the heart as traditional cigarettes.

Nicotine vapes and cannabis products have grown in popularity in recent years because the general public perceives them to be less harmful than smoking, the researchers explained. It sheds light on the health risks posed by these substances.

E-cigarettes, marijuana joints, and the health effects of tobacco all open the door to abnormal heart rhythms. new research It was published on Tuesday in the journal Heart Rhythm.

“We found that tobacco, e-cigarettes, and marijuana significantly interfere with the electrical activity, structure, and neuroregulation of the heart,” says Huiliang, lead author and postdoctoral fellow in UCSF’s Department of Cardiology. Dr. Qiu said in the press. release. “Often, one change can lead to arrhythmia disease. Unfortunately, these adverse effects on the heart are very widespread.”

Researchers explained that for the heart to function well, it needs to pump blood efficiently and at the right time. This vital organ has its own electrical control system thanks to nerves. If any part of the heart fails to process these electrical signals properly, other areas of the organ can operate out of sync. This means they fight each other instead of acting as a single, efficient pump.

According to researchers, this can lead to potentially life-threatening arrhythmias.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attention already That marijuana makes the heart beat faster and can raise blood pressure. It may also increase your risk of stroke, heart disease, or other vascular disease.

The purpose of the UCSF study was to investigate whether use of new tobacco products or marijuana causes the development of proarrhythmic substrates, ultimately leading to arrhythmias.

The study describes its methodology as follows: marijuana or cannabinoid-depleted marijuana; aerosols from e-cigarettes or heat-not-burn products; or clean the air once daily for 8 weeks. Rats exposed to tobacco or marijuana products exhibited a progressive increase in systolic blood pressure, decreased systolic function due to ventricular dilatation, and decreased overall heart rate variability compared to clean air negative controls. showed. ”

“It is remarkable that all of these tobacco and marijuana products had such similar effects. It’s been great,” said senior author Matthew Springer, Ph.D., professor of cardiology at UCSF.

“The bottom line is that e-cigarettes, IQOS, and marijuana cigarettes still contain many of the potential harmful effects of smoking cigarettes,” Springer said.

He added that these results were consistent with previous studies of heart rhythm disturbances in marijuana and e-cigarette users, but that the results have limitations. Calling it a “good model,” he points out that “rat studies alone do not allow us to draw firm conclusions about effects on humans.”

This study was funded by the California Tobacco-Related Diseases Research Program, the American Heart Association, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products, the National Heart Institute, and other partners.

a Similar studies A paper released Tuesday found that people who smoke marijuana are more likely to suffer certain types of lung injury than those who smoke cigarettes. ABC News report.




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