Drank 12 energy drinks in 10 minutes — and my pancreas ate itself
A lone gamer narrowly escaped death after going down 12 cans of energy drinks in 10 minutes in a “legendary” stunt to surprise his colleagues.
“The man drank 12 energy drinks in 10 minutes. This is what happened to his organs. YouTube videos that recently resurfaced.
Ms. Sue, clinical pharmacist Chubiemu YouTube Channel boasts over 2.6 million subscribers and frequently uploads videos that humorously reenact bizarre emergency room stories he’s witnessed or heard.
In this case, Hsu explains that the patient in question, “JS,” was admitted to the ER with “prominent abdominal pain.” In the video reproduction, JS is depicted as his 36-year-old man with chubby glasses. Pokemon, video games, and things he didn’t have as a kid. He has struggled socially throughout his life.
Hsu describes this ordeal in regrettable detail, telling viewers that JS develops heart palpitations and back pain after chugging down an energy drink. He decides to take a sip and ends up vomiting in the kitchen sink.
“Just after drinking all 12 energy drinks, JS felt sick,” said Hsu.
He added: “He started playing games to forget everything.”
The gamer, who was later unable to eat or drink anything, is said to have delayed seeing a doctor for several hours. acute pancreatitis.
At the hospital, doctors made a shocking discovery: JS’s pancreas was struggling to keep up with the 12 cans of sugar and copious amounts of caffeine and was beginning to “digest”. It was swollen.
Hsu said the fluid buildup became infected and his liver and kidneys began to fail. Su said doctors treated an unnamed gamer, who reportedly vomited in a nurse’s shoes, with intravenous fluids and antibiotics before releasing him.
Su said the incident was a “wake-up call” for the man. His blood tests showed he had pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes.
“Most people know that energy drinks can be dangerous in excess,” Sue told viewers. But bad things are probably going to happen when you start drinking multiple cans in a row.”
The YouTube video has been viewed over 6.5 million times since it was posted in September 2021.
“The main thing I learned from Chubbyemu’s videos is that as soon as you are hospitalized, no matter how embarrassing you are, tell your doctor everything that happened.
Health experts have long dangerous Sugary caffeinated beverages such as Red Bull, Monster, Five-hour Energy and Rockstar Pause are especially energy drink challenge It’s booming on TikTok and other social media platforms.
In 2021, OnlyFans model Briatney Portillo suffered a heart attack after recording a TikTok video. “Dry Scooping Challenge” Users were prompted to take a handful of supplemental energy powder without water.
“I never thought this would happen to me,” Portillo, who was 20 at the time, told The Post. “Especially since I’m so young.”
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