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World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2022: 5 early signs of pancreatic cancer

World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2022: 5 early signs of pancreatic cancer


Located in the abdomen, the pancreas helps digest food by secreting enzymes. It also secretes insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. Pancreatic cells exhibit an adaptive response to recurrent inflammatory episodes, initially preventing tissue damage but promoting tumor growth in the presence of mutated KRAS, according to a study from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. pancreatic cancer).

One of the deadliest forms of cancer is pancreatic cancer. The most common type of pancreatic cancer, ductal adenocarcinoma, arises in the tubes that transport digestive enzymes. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor is the name for malignant tumors that appear in the endocrine pancreas. It ranks as his fourth most common reason for cancer-related deaths in both men and women.

Pancreatic cancer affects 0.2-1.8 per 100,000 women and 0.5-2.4 per 100,000 men in India. In the United States, the disease accounts for 7% of all cancer deaths and about 3% of all cancer cases.

Read about risk factors for pancreatic cancer:

The exact origin of pancreatic cancer is still unknown.However, you can develop pancreatic cancer As a result of additional factors such as:

1. Elderly: The most common age at which pancreatic cancer develops is between the ages of 60 and 80, but it can occur at any age.

pancreatic cancer
Be aware of your changing health conditions.Image credit: Shutterstock

2. Lifestyle factors: Excessive drinking, smoking, and unhealthy diet (consumption of large amounts of red and processed meat).

3. Obesity: If you are overweight or obese, you may develop pancreatic cancer.

4. Inherited genetic mutations: Long-standing diabetes is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer.

5. Inherited diseases: Family-based genetic disorders may also increase the risk of cancer.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer include:

Some early warning signs of pancreatic cancer should not be overlooked.

  • Pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the back and is worse after eating or lying down.
  • A yellowish discoloration of the eyes and urine may be itchy.
  • weight loss
  • New onset diabetes or worsening of existing diabetes
  • recurrent nausea and vomiting
pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer requires appropriate treatment.Image credit: Shutterstock

Diagnosis and examination

Anyone experiencing any of these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. It can be diagnosed as follows:

  • USG Abdominal/upper abdominal contrast-enhanced CT/MRI Abdomen.
  • EUS + FNAC: Endoscopic ultrasound helps assess the nature of cancer and for tissue sampling from affected areas.
  • ERCP: This allows visualization of the pancreaticobiliary tree and is also useful for tissue sampling.
  • CA 19-9: A type of protein released by pancreatic cancer cells that may indicate tumors.
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy/side-viewing endoscopy may also help in advanced disease.

pancreatic cancer treatment

Early cancer can be completely cured by the Whipple procedure, a surgery used to remove a cancerous tumor from the pancreas. However, chemotherapy can help advanced disease.

People should maintain a healthy lifestyle and anyone experiencing symptoms of pancreatic cancer should start treatment immediately under the supervision of a doctor.




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