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RSV, COVID, Flu or Cold?

RSV, COVID, Flu or Cold?
RSV, COVID, Flu or Cold?


Editor’s note: Check cold and flu activity in your location Use WebMD Tracker.

17 November 2022 – Commonly named respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, the flu, the common cold and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) have overlapping symptoms that make it difficult to distinguish between them may become.

But how quickly symptoms appear, how long they last, and even what symptoms they have can be important clues. It’s the most effective, so it’s worth knowing which infection is hitting you, a friend, or a loved one.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has Useful page description Which symptoms are most likely in which respiratory disease? “I think it’s a really good graph, and I think it’s pretty much the same for children and adults,” said Patricia (Patsey) A. Stinch, registered nurse and president of the National Infectious Diseases Foundation (NFID). Field says.

One exception she offered is that children with COVID-19 report less loss of taste and smell compared to adults.

“It is very difficult to distinguish between our symptoms of influenza, RSV, and COVID-19 … for parents and doctors for that matter,” says Mobeen Rathore, a member of the Infectious Diseases Board of the American Academy of Pediatrics. says the doctor of medicine.

Stinchfield agrees that these viruses cause many of the same symptoms, including congestion, coughing and possible fever. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to tell them apart.

fast and furious

“One of the things I ask people trying to understand how sick they are, after working as an infectious disease nurse for 44 years, is about onset.” “It’s like one minute when a child is playing or an adult is working. And the next moment… it feels like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck. “

By contrast, other viral diseases tend to develop more slowly, she says. I would say that I feel ”

Gastrointestinal symptoms can be another clue. Vomiting and diarrhea are more common in COVID-19 and to some extent in influenza compared to RSV. This is because the COVID-19 virus can attach to her ACE2 receptors in both her lungs and intestines, affecting both parts of her body.

Furthermore, it is widely accepted that loss of taste and smell is a unique sign of COVID-19 infection. As such, it helps distinguish between COVID-19 and other viral diseases.

Symptoms indicative of RSV

More sneezing, “profuse” runny nose – runny nose Coming from a runny nose, wheezing are some of the characteristic symptoms of RSV. Wheezing is the whistling sound that a child or adult makes while breathing. “You don’t see wheezing with COVID or the flu as you see with RSV,” Stinchfield said.

“With RSV, it’s more of an upper respiratory type of infection, and people tend to have more of what’s called bronchiolitis,” says Rathore. Bronchiolitis is inflammation and congestion of the small airways in the lungs, which can cause wheezing.

In addition, some RSV patients find it so difficult to breathe normally that they try to help other muscles, including those just above and below the sternum.

the common cold still remains

“People are talking a lot about RSV right now and rightly so But at least what we’re seeing is completely different,” says Rathore. The latest internal statistics from the American Academy of Pediatrics Commission on Infectious Diseases suggest that the common cold is currently the dominant virus, followed by influenza, RSV, and COVID-19.

Rathore estimates that about 35% of patients with viral illnesses test positive for the rhino enterovirus that causes the common cold.

“So this is probably a lot more common than any other infection we’re talking about,” he says. The odds are relatively low.”

Testing is still essential

Stinchfield shared two main messages. Testing is the only reliable way to diagnose viral diseases. “So if someone says, ‘This is definitely RSV,’ but if your child hasn’t been tested, you really don’t know.”

Testing very young children is important, says Rathore, who is also director of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the University of Florida in Jacksonville.

The test can also confirm influenza or COVID. “The good thing is that there are several combination rapid tests that clinics use that can check for COVID-19, flu, and RSV all in one,” he says. She hopes similar combination home tests will become available in the future.

Another reason to test is, “There’s a cure for COVID-19, there’s a cure for the flu, so you might benefit from early treatment, so know what you have.” that is important.”

Stinchfield also said that there are effective vaccines for COVID-19 and influenza, and vaccines that protect against RSV are in development.

don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you feel your viral illness is getting worse, trust your instincts, says Stinchfield. “Listen to your gut. please.

“That’s what we’re here for,” she says.

Stinchfield acknowledges that the RSV epidemic may result in longer-than-usual waits to see a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist. Also, if you’re concerned about contact with others in a medical setting, consider virtual appointments, she says.

Are we headed for a worrying winter?

With multiple notable viruses circulating, some experts are warning of a “twin demic” or “triple demic” this winter. Rathore takes it one step further. “I’m actually calling the possibility of the Quaternary Demic.” Along with COVID-19, RSV, and the flu, cold viruses are also rampant.

In fact, in his area of ​​northeastern Florida, RSV rates appear to be declining, influenza is on the rise, and COVID-19 has raised “concerns that it may recur as it did in previous seasons. there is”. At the same time, the incidence of colds is stable.

“Nothing can be said with certainty” about which viruses will predominate next winter, says Rathore. He says he is predicting what will happen in the region.

On the positive side, last season’s flu vaccine was good at preventing flu strains that spread in Australia and elsewhere, so it was reassuring here. Another reason to get it.”




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