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One-third of British people voted not to use or don’t use the coronavirus vaccine


The nasty discovery comes in the dramatic increase in anti-vaccine disinformation spread online since the outbreak of the coronavirus (Photo: Reuters).

One-third of British people don’t know or definitely Coronavirus Vaccines, new polls found.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, 7.7 million social media users have been following their accounts, and polls have emerged as anti-vaccine social media pages and channels have grown dramatically in popularity.

A YouGov survey conducted on behalf of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) found that people who rely on information on social media rather than traditional media are less likely to be vaccinated. It was

About 1,663 British people were questioned, and 6% said they would definitely not be vaccinated.

An additional 10% said they probably wouldn’t, and 15% didn’t know, raising the number of people who might not be vaccinated against deadly illnesses by almost a third.

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Just over two-thirds (69%) said that 38% would be “definitely” vaccinated, and another 31% proposed “probably” to be vaccinated and then suggested using the vaccine.

The findings could pose a threat to the ability to contain Covid-19, as scientists predict that more than three-quarters of the population will need to be vaccinated to successfully control the virus. there is.

Last year, Britain lost its measurable condition due to the declining number of parents ensuring that children were vaccinated.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, millions of people have begun to follow anti-Vax groups on Facebook and other social media platforms (Photo: Reuters)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the time said Britain was “abruptly going in the wrong direction,” saying, “People have heard on the Internet its superstitious jumbo jumbo, all anti-Bax related.” It was

In a report released today, The Anti-Vax Industry, CCDH found that up to 57 million people in the US and the UK follow online anti-Vax defenders and groups.

The report analyzed more than 400 anti-Vax Facebook groups and pages, YouTube channels, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Fake conspiracy theories include Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates causing a coronavirus pandemic, the vaccine causing Covid-19, and the infertility of women who were tested for coronavirus vaccines. I found out that it was announced.

According to a CCDH study, social media companies have chosen to adopt a generous policy for anti-vaccine content, while Facebook, Twitter and YouTube just promise to make it easier for users to find anti-vaccine content. Or refused to delete the group. Advertised anti-Vax content.

Imran Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of CCDH, said: “Our hope to return to a normal life depends on scientists being successful in developing coronavirus vaccines.

The irresponsible decision that “social media companies” will continue to announce anti-vaccine propaganda, however, means that the vaccine may not be effective in containing the virus.

‘The price of their greed is the cost of living. There is no responsible justification for publishing lies and conspiracy theories about vaccines.

Labor Stephen’s Cultural Secretary Joe Stevens said: “This poll reveals how dangerous false information can be online. The rapid spread of false information about vaccinations is literally It can be a matter of life and death.

“Social media companies need to make sure that this content isn’t put on the platform, ministers promote the benefits of vaccines and the harmful and dangerous myths that surround them before coronavirus vaccines become available. We need to do more to counter.”

A Facebook spokesman said: “We are working to stop the spread of harmful false alarms on the platform and have removed hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 related false alarms.

“We do not reduce false alarms for our vaccines in our news feeds, do not show them in search results, recommend them on Facebook or Instagram, nor allow them in our ads. Connect people with reliable information.”

A government spokesman added: “Science is clear-vaccines save lives, which is why we are leading the global effort to find the Covid-19 vaccine. ..

“No form of vaccine misinformation is completely unacceptable and it is everyone’s responsibility to seek NHS advice, so they can get the right information to make the right choice.”

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