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Studies show that Gen Z is more concerned about health than Boomers


According to a new study, 7 out of 10 worries that poor health limits their life experience, and Gen Z is more worried than boomers.

In a survey of 2,000 adults in the United States, evenly divided from Gen Z to baby boomers, Gen G respondents are most concerned about their health and experience everything they want to do in life (75% for the baby boomer age of 63). percent).

But that was not the only difference between generations. The results show that the “moments of life” that respondents were most excited about or remembered by age also varied.


Generation Z was the only one who never “had a child” as their No. 1 most anticipated “moment of life”. Instead, they were looking forward to traveling, earning a degree or qualification, or buying a home (all tied at 24%).

Younger generation respondents-Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X-all “reached their health goals” with the expected top 10 milestones. Top 10.

Conducted on behalf of One Pole Know diabetes with your heart —A joint initiative of the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association—This study also investigated the role that health plays in experiencing different life moments.

The results revealed that 62% of the respondents needed health to do what they wanted to do in their lifetime.

Respondents with type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke were worried that their health status limited their experience (89%, 90% and 87%, respectively).

More than half of the respondents (54%) report prioritizing health as they get older.

Sixty-five percent of respondents worry their loved ones may not be healthy enough to experience different life moments.

One respondent is concerned that the parents of the couple postponed by COVID-19 may not be able to see the wedding. Another respondent is worried that his mother may miss a college graduation ceremony.

“With COVID-19, we have increased awareness of the underlying conditions such as diabetes and heart disease and the additional threats they pose,” said Eduardo Sanchez, MD, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention at the American Heart Association. FAAFP says. “At age 60, both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease can reduce your life expectancy by an average of 12 years, but to manage your condition, correct your risks and have a healthy year, There are many things we can do.”

The results also revealed that COVID-19 changed the way many people think about moments in life and how respondents view experiences with others.

Eight out of 10 respondents said that the pandemic made their days with loved ones even more special, and 85% said they were more thankful for the time they spent with their loved ones.

Respondents recall what they remember when they look back on the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people say that their takeaway “don’t take the norm for granted. I’m always grateful when you are alive.”

Another respondent said “always listen to doctors and health organizations,” while someone else said “greater appreciation for their health and well-being.”

“If you want to enjoy the life you want on the other side of COVID-19, reopen your doctor’s appointment and check your health numbers like blood sugar. In the case of diabetes, hemoglobin A1c — cholesterol and blood pressure University of Colorado Robert H. Eckel, MD, MD, endocrinologist in the School of Medicine and Chairman of the American Diabetes Association of Medicine and Science, said:

Top “moments of life” – Gen Z (18-23 years)

  1. Travel to new places: 23.80% (tie 1, 2, 3)
  2. Buying a home: 23.80% (tie 1, 2, 3)
  3. Obtain a diploma, degree, or certification: 23.80% (tie 1, 2, 3)
  4. Time spent with friends: 23%
  5. Achieve your health goals: 22.20% (connect 5 and 6)
  6. Have children: 22.20% (tie 5 and 6)

Top “Moments of Life” – Millennials (ages 24-39)

  1. Have children: 36%
  2. Buying a home: 31.60%
  3. Travel to new places: 30%
  4. Achieve your health goals: 29.80%
  5. Marry: 26.80%

Best “moments of life” – Generation X (40-55 years)

  1. Have children: 42.60%
  2. Marry: 37.20%
  3. Buying a home: 34.20%
  4. Travel to new places: 33.60%
  5. See my ren graduates: 32.80%

Top “moments of life” – baby boomers (56+)

  1. Have children: 40.60%
  2. Marry: 39.20%
  3. Watch grandchildren grow: 38%
  4. View my ren graduates: 35.40%
  5. Retirement: 35.20%

Respondents can do what they want in life…

  1. My own health: 62%
  2. Economic safety: 62%
  3. Free time: 43%
  4. Health of my loved ones: 43%
  5. Support from family and friends: 39%

Several pandemic “silver linings”

  1. Cost saved: 28%
  2. Greater time with family and friends: 28%
  3. Have free time: 28%
  4. Gain a better understanding of the challenges other people are facing (such as unemployment, parenting problems, and food insecurity): 26%
  5. Gratitude for what was taken for granted: 26%
  6. Gratitude for my health: 25%
  7. Confirmed to others: 25%
  8. Eat healthier: 25%
  9. Thinking about what matters most to me: 25%
  10. Raising awareness of my health: 24%
  11. I contacted family and friends I didn’t normally hear: 22%
  12. Better time with pets: 22%
  13. Obtained more physical activity than usual: 21 percent
  14. Did something good for someone else: 20%
  15. Acquired new skills (zoom, homeschooling, cooking, making masks, etc.): 20%


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