75 years or older? Statins can still benefit your mind
Tuesday, July 07, 2020 (HealthDay News)-Heart-Healthy Elderly May Benefit From Taking Cholesterol-Lowering Statins, The New Study Claims.
People aged 75 and older who have no heart disease and are prescribed statins are at 25% lower risk of death from any cause, and 20% less risk of heart-related deaths, researchers report on July 7. Did American Medical Association Journal..
“Based on these data, age is not the reason not to prescribe statins,” Ariela, a physician scientist at the VA Boston Healthcare System and a principal investigator who linked epidemiologists to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Dr. Orkaby said.
Statins are drugs used to prevent narrowing or blockage of arteries and build up of plaque that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Until recently, the guidelines recommended that statin therapy be discontinued at age 75, says Mary Anne McLaughlin, director of cardiac health programs at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
“In 2018, the guidelines were changed to say that statins are a reasonable choice for people without the life-limiting illness over the age of 75,” she said.
The new study provided evidence that changing guidelines to allow continued statin therapy was the right move, said McLaughlin, who did not participate in the study.
“This age group is one of the fastest growing groups,” she said. “The cohorts over 75 are living longer, and the first evidence of atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease may be sudden death. Very active by the late 80s and late 90s. There are many patients living a fulfilling life in.”
In this study, Orkaby’s team analyzed data from more than 300,000 veterans aged 75 and older who used VA healthcare services between 2002 and 2012. No one had a heart attack, stroke, or other heart problem.
Of those veterinarians, more than 57,000 began taking statins during that period. Researchers compared those who used statins with those who did not, and found that the risk of heart-related mortality was significantly lower.
The results showed that the results were strong among veterans with dementia, including veterans, including those aged 90 and older.
Patients using statins also had a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes, the researchers said.
Because the study relied on VA data, McLaughlin said the overwhelming majority of patients were male (97%) and white (91%).
However, ongoing randomized clinical trials provide additional evidence for the use of statins in a wide range of elderly combinations, Orkaby and McLaughlin said.
Orkaby said that statin clinical trials were age-biased because older people were more likely to have more medical problems and their inclusion could confuse results.
“Old people usually have multiple things happening,” she said. “It’s much easier to study people in their 50s who may have high blood pressure or diabetes. When doing a large trial, I don’t want to include people who are going to be hospitalized for other problems. Sometimes-for example, because they fell.”
As a result, “although most elderly people have the highest risk of heart attacks and strokes, almost all of the data for statins that exist today are young,” Orkaby said.
These new results indicate that it is time to stop discrimination based on age alone, she said, and there are no data to support the use of statins in the elderly.
“We have some reasonably good data to suggest that statins can save lives,” Orkaby said. “If you’re 75 years old and haven’t worn statins yet, you could actually be a healthy older person who is likely to live another 10 or 15 years. May be the people who enjoy the most-Period.”
For more information
The National Institutes of Health Statin..
Source: Ariela Orkaby, MD, MPH, Physician Scientist, VA Boston Healthcare System and Semi-Epidemiologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston. Mary Ann McLaughlin MD, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City, Cardiac Health Program, Dean of Medicine; American Medical Association Journal, July 7, 2020
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