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UCF researchers investigating long-term effects of COVID-19 in people with diabetes

UCF researchers investigating long-term effects of COVID-19 in people with diabetes


Could COVID-19 infection have long-term effects on the health of people with diabetes, such as increasing the risk of heart disease?

Medical school researcher Dinender Singla believes that the genetic make-up of people with diabetes, or those predisposed to diabetes, predisposes them to post-COVID inflammatory conditions that affect the heart and brain.

“We believe that COVID-19 can alter a person’s genetic make-up and accelerate the spread of the disease, making diabetes and related heart disease even worse,” says Cardiovascular Science, School of Medicine. AdventHealth Chair Singla said.

Singla has spent much of his research career researching heart failure, diabetes and inflammation.recently paper Published in American Journal of Physiologyheart When circulatory physiology, He explored the mechanisms and possible effects of COVID-19 on high-risk diabetic patients, and the possibility that the virus could advance the disease, causing inflammation and heart failure.

“In our view, COVID-19 could have three major long-term effects on patients: “One is cognitive impairment, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. “It may enhance diabetes in diabetics or pre-diabetic conditions. Third, it may exacerbate complications of diabetes such as cardiomyopathy and muscle dysfunction.”

Singla theorizes that some diabetics infected with COVID-19 may have different cellular compositions in their blood compared to diabetics who have never had COVID-19. The next step in his research is to analyze specific cellular differences in diabetic patients with and without COVID infection.

“Our goal is to see if there are differences in blood composition and cytokines (proteins that affect cell-to-cell communication) compared to people with diabetes without COVID,” Singla said. says. “If we find any differences, we need to find out what kind of disease they might cause or enhance in those patients.”

With COVID-19 affecting more than 600 million people worldwide and vaccines making the virus less alarming today than it was two years ago, there are still many unknowns about the long-term health effects of COVID. Singla said there is a problem of resolution.

“For example, if someone is genetically predisposed to developing heart disease or Alzheimer’s disease, if that person is affected by COVID-19, they will develop heart disease or Alzheimer’s disease sooner than they are predisposed. Will it develop?” Singla says. “And how serious is their illness, and how does it differ between those who have COVID-19 and those who do not?”

Shingra said he was now working to secure funding to investigate the outstanding issues left behind by the virus.

“We want to know if diabetes will be present in patients with COVID-19 10 or 20 years from now,” Singla says. “Do they develop a particular type of cardiomyopathy or diabetic muscle pain and get worse? We are one step ahead in developing treatments and cures.”




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