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“New evidence” for airborne coronavirus infection



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WHO warned Tuesday that the pandemic is still accelerating, pointing out “emerging evidence” that the coronavirus may be spread by air even more than previously thought.

The World Health Organization has announced that it will launch a new scientific brief within a few days after an international group of scientists Signed The virus can travel well beyond 2 meters (yards).

The 2 meter physical distance guideline is a key element in the fight against COVID-19, killing more than 538,000 and infecting more than 11.6 million since its launch in China last December. ..

Meanwhile, WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the pandemic had shown no signs of slowing down after another 400,000 new patients were reported over the weekend.

It took 12 weeks for the world to reach the first 400,000 COVID-19 cases.

“The outbreak is accelerating, and we have clearly not reached the peak of the pandemic,” Tedros said.

“While the number of deaths seems to be leveling around the world, in reality some countries have made great strides in reducing deaths, while others still have more. I will.”

He concluded that the virus “has become hostage.”

On Monday, a group of 239 international scientists said sub-micrometer expiratory droplets containing the virus could float in the air for hours and travel up to tens of meters.

Benedetta Alegranzi, WHO’s technical leader in infection control, said during a virtual press conference. “We acknowledge that new evidence is emerging in this area.

“We believe that we need to be open to this evidence, and we understand its implications for the mode of infection and for the precautions that also need to be taken,” she said.

Maria Van Kerkov, WHO COVID-19 Technical Leader, said the UN Health Service is producing scientific notices that integrate increased knowledge about infections.

“We will publish our summary in the near future, and it will outline everything we have in this area,” she said.

-Bolsonaro tested positive for Brazilian President Jail Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly ignored virus containment measures and minimized risk-on Tuesday, tested positive for COVID-19.

WHO sent them their best wishes, hoping for him speedy and complete recovery.

“It brings us all the realities of this virus: no one is special,” said Michael Ryan, emergency officer at WHO.

“Whether we are princes or poor, we are equally vulnerable.”

Meanwhile, the WHO will send animal health experts and epidemiologists to China this weekend to lay the groundwork for research on the new animal origin of coronaviruses.

Mr. Tedros said he will develop the scope and terms of the WHO-led international mission and will take up the work already underway in China.

Ryan said finding the source of the disease was always a “significant criminal case.”

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© 2020 AFP

Quote: WHO: “Emerging Evidence” of Airborne Coronavirus Infections (July 7, 2020), to 2020 Obtained from July 7

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