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Co down shield prompts PHA to reveal the location of Covid-19 clusters


Co Down Shield asked authorities to identify Covid-19 clusters after discovering an “outbreak” near their home via rumors.

This afternoon South down MLA Colin McGrath We confirmed that there were 11 cases confirmed in Cross gar And Ballina Hinch..

Social media was lit up with speculations of local spikes after the Crossgar cafe closed down to sit-in customers, citing “an outbreak in our area”.

In the statement, Public health bureau (PHA) said it has not identified a “current cluster of non-household infectious diseases.” Newry, Morne, Down..

Micaela Hollywood, who is particularly vulnerable as a ventilator user, said she was continuing rumors from her neighbors when she was to be told directly.

She lives just 800 meters from the town of Crossgar.

Yesterday’s PHA figures revealed that NM & D is the only region in Northern Ireland with a growing number of positive testers in local government.

The exact location of the outbreak was identified only after Mr. Maglas had talked to the Minister of Health.

Hollywood said she had “petrified” when she heard from a neighbor who might have a local incident, and she “double-blocked” to protect herself.

“We need reliable, detailed information, not scrap.

“I think they forget that life like me is at stake. I’m willing to sign a nondisclosure agreement for information that can protect me and my family from now on.” .”

The PHA said this is “aware of media speculation about the alleged cluster,” but does not comment on “individual cases” where people were identified or not tested. ..

In a statement, officials said: “The contact tracking process identifies potential associations between positive cases both within and outside the household.

“With some ongoing community submissions COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearingHowever, it is expected that there will be variability in the number of cases detected across the geographic region, and in a small number of cases, the importance of these variability should be noted.

“I don’t comment on individual cases, because it may deter others with symptoms that appear before people are identified and tested. We ask you to be aware of the risks.”

By posting on social media, McGrath said SDLP, All 11 “affected” were contacted.

He said: “Contact tracking has been implemented [which] The occurrence needs to be controlled. Remember to keep yourself safe, wash your hands and keep yourself at a social distance.

“A big outbreak will occur and we will get over this together.”

ourselves Emma Rogan, Southdown’s MLA in New York, said there were “substantial concerns” locally.

“Rumors and false alarms are useless, so PHA needs to keep the local community up to date on what’s going on.

At this morning’s emergency meeting, Roiran councilors agreed to call on Robin Swan and the PHA to sort out positive cases by district constituency. There are 7 constituencies in NM & D.

Currently, incidents are classified only by local government area.

In the joint statement, the councilors said they met:

“The local residents are worried, and the councilor is concerned that the wrong information may have been affecting the company, and while ensuring the safety of all, I want to grasp my heart.”


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