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Arthritis Inflammation: Do Painkillers Help?

Arthritis Inflammation: Do Painkillers Help?
Arthritis Inflammation: Do Painkillers Help?


Senior man sitting on a sofa in the front room and looking at a pill bottleShare on Pinterest
Experts are divided over the long-term benefits of taking pain relievers for arthritis inflammation. Fertnig/Getty Images
  • Pain relievers such as ibuprofen may not have a long-term effect on arthritis inflammation, researchers say.
  • They say anti-inflammatory drugs increase internal inflammation, which can lead to pain and joint stiffness.
  • However, other experts say these drugs are effective treatments for relieving pain and reducing inflammation.

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), etc. ibuprofen product advil When motlinno long-term benefit when used for joint inflammation. arthritis.

according to, study announced today in annual meeting Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

In a new study, not yet published in a peer-reviewed journal, researchers evaluated 129 participants knee arthritis from Osteoarthritis Initiative cohort.

All participants had moderate to severe arthritis and had received NSAID treatment for at least 1 year between baseline and 4 years of follow-up. In addition to participants, the study included 592 people not treated with NSAIDs as a control group.

All participants in this study underwent an initial knee MRI and another examination 4 years later.

Researchers analyzed the thickness and composition of the cartilage. Both are biomarkers for assessing arthritis progression.

Researchers have found that NSAID users show more degenerative changes. cartilage thickness. However, scientists did not consider the changes to be statistically significant.

The researchers concluded that long-term NSAID use may be associated with more internal disease. inflammationleading to increased pain and decreased joint function.

NSAIDs are commonly used for osteoarthritis. This is due to its ability to reduce inflammation which reduces pain. It lasts from 4 hours to 24 hours depending on the formulation.

This is not the first study to show the downsides of taking NSAIDs long-term.

“Numerous studies have shown that long-term NSAID use exacerbates inflammation, increases pain, and increases the need for joint replacement surgery.” Dr. Medhat MichaelPain Management Specialist and Medical Director of the Non-Surgical Program at Spine Health Center at Memorial Care Orange Coast Medical Center in California.

“Severe side effects of NSAIDs can cause inflammation in the lungs, heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. joint replacement surgery perform surgery, interfere with the body’s normal response to healing, and may cause rebound inflammation, including exacerbation Symptoms of Osteoarthritis‘” Mikael told Healthline.

Not everyone agrees with the conclusions of this study.

“This research is very dangerous” AS Dr. Travis Skadi, an orthopedic surgeon at the Hoag Institute of Orthopedic Surgery in Southern California. “This is a classic example of selection bias. This is a retrospective study that examines what patients did independently without a recommended intervention.

“Patients who used NSAIDs had more evidence of synovitis or inflammation in their joints at baseline, the researchers said, meaning before NSAID dosing.” were using NSAIDs.In contrast, patients without significant inflammation and pain did not use inflammation.”

“It’s like looking at two groups of people. pneumonia and there is not one. Skadi continued. “People with pneumonia received antibiotics and those without pneumonia did not. And we concluded that antibiotics caused pneumonia because pneumonia patients used antibiotics more frequently.”

Dr. Michael AlaiaHe is a sports health orthopedic surgeon and associate professor at New York University.

“This was not a controlled, randomized study. Ideally, they could have included an orthopedic arm of the study,” he told Healthline.

Osteoarthritis is degenerating joint tissue. This is the most common form of arthritis. According to the company, it often affects people over the age of 50. National Institutes of Health.

Researchers aren’t sure what causes or triggers tissue breakdown in joints.

  • cartilage
  • tendon
  • ligament
  • Synovium
  • Bone
  • knee meniscus

Common symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • pain when using joints
  • stiff joints
  • Joint changes that limit movement
  • A feeling of looseness or instability in the joints

It occurs most commonly in the hands, knees, hips, hips, and neck, but can occur in other joints as well.

NSAIDs are short-term pain relievers.

“NSAIDs are an excellent way to treat pain associated with osteoarthritis.” Dr. Alexander GoffmanAn orthopedic surgeon at Baptist Health Orthopedic Care told Healthline.

“Clinical training guidelines The AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons) has announced NSAIDs as the first-line treatment for patients with osteoarthritis,” he added.

The drug reduces pain and stiffness by reducing inflammation.

“NSAIDs do not play a role in preventing joint or cartilage disease,” he said. Doctor.Danang, IranSports neurologist and pain management specialist at the Center for Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine at the Cedars-Sinai Karlan Jobe Institute in Los Angeles. “Direct use of NSAIDs does not increase inflammation.”

“While this information is helpful, it does not change my clinical approach,” Danan told Healthline. “As a degenerative disease, moderate to severe arthritis worsens over time, especially over years. Most importantly, patients understand that beyond the long-term use of NSAIDs, there are more sophisticated means to better manage arthritis pain.

There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are ways to treat and manage the condition.

according to arthritis foundationA few non-surgical treatment In addition to NSAIDs, they include:

  • pain relievers such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and opioids
  • anti-irritants, such as topical agents containing capsaicin, menthol, and lidocaine
  • corticosteroids, prescription drugs that can be taken by mouth or by injection
  • drugs such as duloxetine (Cymbalta) and pregabalin (lyrica) treats other conditions but helps reduce pain and inflammation

weight loss When physical therapy It is a beneficial intervention for early-stage, mild arthritis,” said Scudday.

As a last resort, joint replacement surgery may be necessary to relieve pain and maintain the patient’s quality of life.




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