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Can sunscreen be cut off? When to replace the sunscreen


Sunscreen promotion 1

Sunscreen is my best friend in summer.

Angela Lang / CNET

It’s hot and sunny and I want to go to the beach (or # so I want to lay it out on the front lawn)Avoid crowds). Do not forget to rub SPF -But it’s not that unfriendly bottle Sunscreen You found it behind the beach bag last year. Before heading out to the beach this summer, make sure you’re not using expired sunscreen. That’s right, sunscreens can expire, and when they expire they’re less protective.

read more: Should I use a chemical or mineral sunscreen?

When will the sunscreen go off?


Sunscreens need to maintain their original effectiveness for several years.

Emilija Manevska / Getty Images

of Food and Drug Administration obligations All sunscreens remain strong for 3 years. This means that if you have sunscreen left at the end of summer, you should be able to safely use it for two more summers.

Some sunscreen manufacturers print the expiration date on the bottle or label, but not all. When you buy a sunscreen bottle, check the expiration date. If not, please write the date of purchase on the permanent marker.

Theoretically, if you are using sunscreen in the recommended way- Stick on bare skin There should not be too many years when there is direct sunlight.

If you have a sunscreen bottle that you are not sure about, use your best judgment. When was the sunscreen last used? Does the bottle itself look old? If you think you’re more than three years old, you probably are.

Here are some other tips where SPF may not work:

  • Consistency: If the sunscreen is very watery or thick, it can expire.
  • Color: In the case of unusual shades, it is probably out of date.
  • Smell: If it smells different (or generally weird) from the time it was purchased, it may have expired.

Can I use an expired sunscreen?

Mom putting sunscreen on her daughter on the beach

Expired sunscreens do not harm your skin, but the sun can harm your skin.

Uwe Krejci / Getty Images

The use of expired sunscreens does not directly hurt-does nothing to the skin-but can cause dangerous sunburn. And, as you know, sunburn shows unprotected exposure to sunlight. Risk of developing skin cancer And early aging.

There is a reason for the expiration date. To inform you if sunscreen is still active. If it’s expired, it’s always a good idea to buy a new bottle of sunscreen. For ultimate skin protection (or if you’re not just tanning in real sunlight), Instead of Sunless Self Tanner..

read more: What is Leaf Safe Sunscreen?

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only, not health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals, always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider.

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