Measles Outbreak in Mumbai: Why Are Children at Risk? Understanding Symptoms, Immunizations and Treatment
More than 200 measles cases have been recorded in Mumbai, with 13 deaths. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has blamed a lack of vaccination behind the ongoing outbreak. Vaccination coverage against measles was only 41% recorded. “But measles is a vaccine-preventable disease and everyone should be vaccinated as a priority,” said he, a consultant neonatologist and pediatrician at his SL Raheja hospital in Mahim. Dr. Asmita Mahajan said.
Why has there been a surge in measles-related cases in Mumbai?
Mumbai It is true that measles cases have skyrocketed in the past few days, and most patients are from low socioeconomic backgrounds. have contributed to the spread of infection. Most cases, especially among children, have been reported from Bhiwandi (Thane) and Malegaon (Nashik), which are not covered by vaccination. Some families did not vaccinate their children due to religious and cultural backgrounds. I should have.
Which age group is most susceptible?
Children under the age of five, especially those under the age of two, are the most vulnerable. Unvaccinated children are at greatest risk. More importantly, if a child is vaccinated and gets sick, the disease will be mild.
How important is the two-dose vaccine to stop an epidemic?
Studies have shown that the vaccine does not provide 100% protection against disease, but once dosed, children, even if affected, report mild illness. Complications and fatal problems, such as problems with , may be avoided.
Vaccination is considered an important strategy to limit the spread of measles during epidemics. At the individual level, administration of measles vaccine within 72 hours of his first exposure may alter the clinical course of the disease and is generally recommended as a preventive measure. Recent studies have confirmed the benefits of this intervention, with post-exposure immunization efficacy ranging from 91 to 100%, corroborating observations made in the pre-elimination era.
How long does it take for a vaccine to produce antibodies to fight infection?
It takes at least 4 weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop. But the best way to deal with outbreaks is to vaccinate large numbers of people, in this case children. Vaccination produces antibodies that, when compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children have an advantage in fighting infection if they do get it. It is hoped that immunization with the vaccine will help curb outbreaks in the near future.
Do you think the national vaccination program has been affected during the pandemic?
Undoubtedly, the pandemic and lockdowns have caused a dip in national immunization programs. That created a big gap. People were very skeptical or fearful because they feared going to a hospital, clinic, or health care center to get their child vaccinated. COVID-19Regardless of this hesitation, BMC has outperformed polio immunization and scheduled activities. That official also keeps records of vaccinations performed in private hospitals. Official figures from the BMC estimate that 20,000 children received the MR vaccine.
What are the symptoms to watch out for? What is the treatment line?
It takes 10 days after being infected with the virus for symptoms to appear. Common early symptoms include cough, cold, runny nose, sore throat, loss of appetite, high fever, and body aches. After 5 days, a red blotchy rash appears. They usually start at the child’s hairline or behind the ears. These then spread to other parts of the body, such as the throat, limbs, and joints. In some cases, there may also be small white dots on the palate, another sign of measles.
Because measles is a symptomatic disease, several complications can occur, especially if the child has not been vaccinated and reportedly has low nutritional levels. include congestion, pneumonia, diarrhea, ear infections, and sometimes encephalitis, called encephalitis. Rarely, it can also cause subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), a fatal disease of the central nervous system. SSPE usually develops 7 to 10 years after a child has measles and has recovered. The best way to prevent the above scenario is to ensure that all children are vaccinated against measles.
How can future surges be prevented?
The best way to prevent future surges is to raise awareness within the community about the importance of vaccines. A measles vaccine must be made available to all children and must overcome any stigma that communities may have against it. measures that can be taken immediately include:
– Watch out for infected children and treat them as soon as possible
– Ensure all children who could not be vaccinated due to lockdowns and pandemics are vaccinated
– If your child has symptoms related to illness, please see a specialist doctor or pediatrician.
Studies in a range of settings have found that widespread and early implementation of immunization has been associated with shorter outbreak duration, reduced outbreak size, altered epidemic curves, fewer cases, lower than expected morbidity and mortality, and closed conditions. associated with partial or complete avoidance of outbreaks in population.
Widespread use of this control measure could also impact disease transmission at the community level by directly reducing the number of secondary measles infections and boosting immunity to levels that could hinder the spread of the disease. There is a nature.
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