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Trustleader aims to do all it can to ease chaos amid nurses’ strike

Trustleader aims to do all it can to ease chaos amid nurses’ strike



Medical trust leaders vowed to “do everything in their power” to minimize disruption to patients during nursing strikes in December.Some of the most urgent cancer care services exempt from staff strikes It is possible that

NHS The provider, a membership organization for NHS hospitals, mental health, communities and emergency services, says no one wants to see the strike but understands ‘how strongly nurses are feeling and why this happened’. said.

organization is government We need to “act fast and talk to nurses and union leaders” to find ways to avoid the strikes scheduled for December 15th and 20th.

The strike action will take place in Englandin Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has suspended strike announcements after the government resumed NHS wage negotiations.

Precise details about which medical services will be exempted have yet to be revealed, but RCN General Secretary Pat Cullen said “life support services” and “emergency-type care” will continue on strike days. I said I will.

The union’s model of care for strikes states that emergency care is provided to preserve life or prevent permanent disability.

Some of the most serious cancer cases can be cured, but if you need to collect data about conditions that can be life-threatening or lead to permanent disability, Urgent diagnostic procedures and assessments will be staffed.

RCNs negotiate the level of care they provide with individual NHS services. Ms Karen said each organization that voted to take action would have a local strike committee and a number of clinical experts. be made.”

In some regions, there is a night shift model, where a number of staff who normally work night shifts may instead become day shifts.

Cullen said services such as oncology (cancer) would be “waived or exempt from strike measures”, but scans such as colonoscopies and cancer tests would not be reported on BBC Radio 4 today. said on the show: finished.

“Services that are not considered life support or emergency services are not discounted. Those that fit these specific descriptions are discounted.”

No one wants to see a strike at a time when the NHS is going through its toughest winter yet, but how strong nurses are feeling and why this is happening. I understand.

NHSP Saffron Cordery’s interim chief executive said the trust is planning ahead of industrial action.

she said:

“We urge the government to act quickly and speak with nurses and union leaders to find ways to avoid a strike.

trust Industrial action is planned across the country. Not all of them are directly affected, but we do our best to minimize patient disruption.

“Our priority for Trust Leaders is to ensure the safe delivery of care and support the health of our staff who continue to work at full capacity in the face of sub-inflationary compensation, severe staff shortages and ever-increasing workloads. .”

The strike comes at a difficult time for the NHS. The NHS has the largest waiting list ever and faces a tough winter battle with Covid-19 and the flu.

Age UK charity director Caroline Abrahams has urged all parties to resolve the dispute before the strike begins.

“Now that the dates for the nurses’ strike have been announced in December, it is the responsibility of all parties to discuss and do whatever is necessary to resolve this dispute, and no actual strike will take place. .

“This will be in the best interest of everyone, including older people who depend on having access to effective health services to live a healthy life.

“Nurses are the backbone of the NHS and one of the most important jobs in our society. is needed.




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