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WHO renames monkeypox to mpox due to racism concerns

WHO renames monkeypox to mpox due to racism concerns



LONDON — The World Health Organization has renamed monkeypox to mpox. This is due to concerns that the original name of an animal disease that emerged decades ago could be interpreted as discriminatory and racist.

The United Nations Health Organization said in a statement Monday that mpox is the new preferred name for monkeypox, and that both monkeypox and mpox will be used in the coming year as the old name is being phased out.

The WHO said it was concerned by “racist and stigmatizing language” that emerged after monkeypox spread to more than 100 countries. Suggest a method,” he asked.

of Augustthe WHO began consulting experts about renaming the disease shortly after the UN agency declared the monkeypox epidemic dangerous. global emergency.

To date, more than 80,000 cases have been confirmed in dozens of countries where smallpox-related illness has never been reported. Until May, monkeypox, a disease believed to have originated in animals, was not known to cause major epidemics outside of Central and West Africa.

Outside of Africa, nearly all cases are found in gays, bisexuals, or other men who have sex with men. Scientists believe that monkeypox caused outbreaks in Western countries. sexually transmitted disease at two raves in Belgium and Spain. Immunization efforts and targeted control interventions in developed countries have brought the disease largely under control after peaking in the summer.

In Africa, the disease mainly affects people who have been in contact with infected animals such as rodents and squirrels. Most monkeypox-related deaths occur in Africa, few vaccines Available.

US health officials warn it could be Impossible It warns that the disease could pose an ongoing threat in the years to come, primarily for gay and bisexual men.

Mpox was first named monkeypox in 1958 when monkeys under study in Denmark were observed to have a ‘pox-like’ disease, although monkeys are believed to be the animal host for the disease. is not considered.

The WHO named many new diseases shortly after their emergence, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and COVID-19, but the WHO did not name the diseases decades after they were first named. I think this is the first time I’ve tried to fix it.

Many other diseases, such as Japanese encephalitis, rubella, Marburg virus, and Middle East respiratory syndrome, are named after geographic regions and may now be viewed as unfavorable. I am not proposing to change it.




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