COVID-19 Outbreak Concerns in Southwestern Pennsylvania Concerns – NBC10 Philadelphia
Health officials said new pandemic restrictions could be opened because Tuesday’s surge in virus infections in southwestern Pennsylvania and its border counties, partly caused by people frequented by bars and restaurants. became.
Already located in Pittsburgh and concentrating on the surge of new infections, Allegheny County is in the middle of a week-long ban on face-to-face services at bars and restaurants as health officials try to stop the spread. Allegheny County also ordered the casino to close and ban rallying more than 25 people that week.
On Tuesday, it was pointed out that restrictions could be imposed on the surrounding counties, which also reported increasing numbers of infections. Increased viral infections in southwestern Pennsylvania are a major cause of the 37% surge in new infection rates across the state over the past four weeks, according to Associated Press analysis of state data.
“There will be a targeted mitigation effort announced by the federal government tomorrow,” Washington County Commissioner Diana Eiley Vaughn told AP Tuesday night.
Washington County officials joined a federal lawsuit filed in May against Governor Tom Wolf’s closure of an obsolete operation across the state, but opposed her closure. Said.
“Our preference is to give companies the opportunity to make decisions based on their particular circumstances,” she said. “The secretary and governor are well aware of our opposition to the closure of the business.”
The State Department of Health confirmed that it has reached the southwestern county and is working on a “detailed survey” of the data on the increase in the number of cases, but spokeswoman April Hutchison said the state tightened regulations. On Tuesday I said there was no information about whether to consider the county.
“We are worried about the whole region,” she said.
Governor Tom Wolf said he would prefer to further extend coronavirus control to Pennsylvania’s local authorities.
Meanwhile, Allegheny County again sent another caseload of more than 200 infectious diseases on Tuesday, where health officials, in part, to frequent residents of bars and restaurants, beach towns and other locations. He attributed Spike to a trip out of the state.
The State Department of Health states that the number of cases of COVID-19 has “significantly increased” among young people, especially between the ages of 19 and 24. In the southwest, 5% of April infections are from people in that age group, with 30% so far this month.
Nonetheless, Dr. Debrabogen, director of the Allegheny County Health Department, said he is considering relaxing some of the restrictions he imposed last week. The announcement was expected on Wednesday.
“I try to be very strategic,” she said at a news conference. “I don’t think it’s really great to close down our entire society again. I don’t think it’s probably effective. I think people don’t want it. We can’t do it. I would like to do that.”
Over 91,000 people across the state have tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19, or for viruses that are thought to have been infected with COVID-19.
While wolves stress the importance of wearing a mask, Philadelphia has postponed plans to allow Philadelphia to reopen indoor dining, bars, gyms, and fitness centers across the U.S. Are worried about the spread of epidemics in the region.
Philadelphia Health Director Dr. Thomas Farley said Tuesday that coronavirus-positive cases remained stable despite increases in nearby Delaware and other parts of Pennsylvania. But he said in the case there is a positive increase in people under the age of 40.
The city’s supervisor also said plans to resume school this fall will be announced next week.
With other coronavirus related developments on Tuesday:
Pennsylvania reported the highest number of new cases of infections per day since early May, but state health officials said Tuesday that retention or delay of test results was a major cause. It was
Of the 995 new infections reported, about 400 were delays from untreated cases from Philadelphia or the result of not being electronically reported to the department’s system, an agency spokesperson said.
According to the Department of Health, an additional 33 deaths were associated with coronaviruses, totaling nearly 7,800 deaths across the state since the pandemic outbreak.
The number of infections is believed to be much higher than the confirmed number of cases in the state, as many people have not been tested, and research suggests that people may be infected without upsetting. ..
In most cases, the virus causes mild or moderate symptoms that resolve in a few weeks. Older people and people with existing health problems are at increased risk of more serious illness and death, such as pneumonia.
Philadelphia Associated Press correspondent Claudia Lauer contributed to this report.
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