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Coronavirus: Airborne transmission cannot be ruled out, says WHO


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Scientists accused WHO of underestimating the potential for airborne transmission

The World Health Organization acknowledges that there is new evidence that coronaviruses can be spread by small particles suspended in the air.

Airborne transmission cannot be ruled out in crowded, closed, or poorly ventilated environments, officials said.

If evidence is confirmed, it may affect guidelines for indoor spaces.

Open letters from over 200 scientists accused the WHO of underestimating the potential for airborne transmission.

The WHO has so far said that when people cough or sneeze, the virus is transmitted through droplets.

“We wanted them to acknowledge the evidence,” said Jose Jimenez, a chemist at the University of Colorado who signed the paper, told Reuters.

“This is definitely not an attack on WHO. It’s a scientific debate, but they refused to hear evidence after many conversations with them, so we need to publish it. I felt, “he said.

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Another signer-Professor Benjamin Cowling of the University of Hong Kong-told the BBC that the findings had a “significant impact.”

“In the healthcare setting, we understand that when aerosol transmission poses a risk, we need health care workers to wear the best possible preventive devices… and, indeed, the World Health Organization One of the reasons why he was reluctant to talk about aerosol transmission was that Covid-19 lacked these types of specialized masks in many parts of the world.”

“And in the community, if aerosol transmission is considered to be a particular risk, think of larger hyperdiffusive events, larger outbreaks, and ways of occurring in long-term indoor environments that are poorly congested and congested. Must have rich contact.”

WHO officials have warned that the evidence is preliminary and needs further evaluation.

“Evidence for the emergence of airborne infections of coronaviruses in the described dense, closed and poorly ventilated environment cannot be ruled out,” said Benedetta Allegrund, WHO’s technical leader in infection prevention and control. ..

Shift position?

Imogen Volks, BBC News in Geneva

For months, WHO has claimed that Covid-19 is transmitted via droplets that are released when people cough or sneeze. Droplets that do not stay in the air but fall on the surface-hence, hand washing has been identified as an important preventative measure.

But 239 scientists in 32 countries disagree. They say there is strong evidence that the virus can spread in the air: through much smaller particles that float for hours after people speak or exhale.

Today, the WHO acknowledged that there was evidence to suggest that this was possible in certain circumstances, such as closed and dense spaces.

The evidence needs to be thoroughly evaluated, but if confirmed, the advice on how to prevent the spread of the virus needs to change, and the wider use of masks and the tighter distances, especially in bars and restaurants. May lead to. And by public transport.

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