The virus trio won’t have much of an impact on the entire Jacksonville area
They have been around for some time and have caused varying degrees of medical disruption to people’s lives: respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza, COVID-19.
they were expected to cause more Trouble in Northeast Florida During Respiratory Virus Season Mainly November and December. But the good news is they don’t follow the same schedule.
“We are preparing and managing the so-called ‘triple demic’. When is this…[they] Dr. Shalika Katugaha, Infectious Disease Systems Medical Director, Baptist Health, said:
America today: What parents should know about respiratory syncytial virus in infants
Flu season: Flu could come back violently, kids could be at risk, experts say
Hospitalized RSV: RSV in infants and children threatens hospital capacity
While RSV infections peaked early and cases are declining nationally and in North Florida, seasonal flu is “on the rise” and likely has not peaked yet. COVID-19, which has reached the United States for the first time, continues to be “simmering in the background” with low infection levels in the region, she said.
In the Jacksonville area, the rate of positive RSV tests was high at 18% this season, but has since dropped to about 9%, said Mobeen Rathore, Ph.D., director of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology at UF Health Jacksonville. Stated. He said the flu test positive rate this season has hovered around 30%.
several hospitals across the country reported overwhelmed Use RSV and influence cases. But Jacksonville-area hospitals still have ample capacity, hospital leaders said.
“The states around us are much worse than Florida,” said Rathore.
Here’s what you should know:
How do you distinguish between RSV, influenza and COVID-19?
RSV, influenza, and COVID-19 are all respiratory viruses that can strike with varying degrees of severity and can infect people of all ages.
All three’ and a cold share many of the same symptomsincluding runny nose, sore throat, congestion and cough,” Katugaha said. identify viruses make sure you get tested. ”
However, she exhibited some key features of RSV.
“Wheezing is often a hallmark sign of severe RSV infection and is usually seen in children and the elderly.”If you hear someone you love wheezing, call your healthcare provider. If you have trouble breathing, go to the nearest emergency center.”
World Pneumonia Day: Respiratory disease in children can lead to hospitalization and death
Mayo Expert: Two years later, COVID-19 may become endemic as cases decline
Most children get RSV by the age of two, Rathore said.
The younger they are, the more serious it can be, he said. The number of children who acquire it is much higher than most other age groups.
Populations most susceptible to RSV are babies, children with lung disease, adults over the age of 65, and people with weakened immune systems. Adults who feel unwell but are not in high-risk groups are more likely to catch the flu or COVID-19, Katugaha said.
She also said that flu symptoms tend to develop more rapidly than RSV and COVID-19, with a rapid fever and shorter duration from exposure to symptoms.
How can I avoid them?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following “common sense” measures: Avoid sick people, stay home when sick, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Another preventive measure is to stay up to date with recommended vaccines. Improve ventilation in your home, office, school or other environment. Wear a mask with the best fit, protection and comfort.
What are the treatments for RSV, influenza, or COVID-19?
There is no specific treatment. However, over-the-counter fever reducers and pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can control symptoms. You can also prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water.
Never give aspirin to children and consult a healthcare provider before giving over-the-counter cold medicines. Some medicines contain ingredients that are not good for children.
When are you going to call the doctor?
If an adult or child has trouble breathing, isn’t drinking enough fluids, or is getting worse, Katugaha says, see a doctor.
Flu and COVID-19 vaccines are available. what about RSV?
According to the CDC, vaccines and antiviral drugs are being developed to treat RSV, but none are available yet.vaccine may be possible next year or so.
RSV vaccine:Thousands of babies and children are hospitalized with RSV each year. Why that could change soon.
combo shot: A combined influenza and COVID-19 vaccine is under development. Here’s what you should know:
How late in the season is the flu vaccine effective?
“Vaccines are effective as long as the flu virus is circulating,” Katgaha said. “It’s not too late to get the flu vaccine now. Flu is unpredictable and seasonal. Influenza typically peaks between December and March, but cases start to hit in May.” There is a possibility.”
Health insurance covers the $35 to $55 cost of a flu shot. An annual campaign led by the Duval County Medical Association called #FluVaxJax provides vouchers to uninsured community residents.
Healthcare in RV: Hospital mobile ministries are underway to help close health disparities
Community Health Assessment: Persistent problems, inequalities and opportunities for action uncovered in the Jacksonville area
Typical influenza vaccination coverage in the Jacksonville area is 36.9%. This campaign helped push last year’s rate to 48.5%.
“Our goal is to encourage vaccination and educate people about its safety and effectiveness in the hope of reducing hospitalizations for the flu,” said an expert in allergy and immunology and a social worker. Dr. Sunil Joshi, the leader, said, “It’s great to keep the rate in the upper 40-50% range.”
Some people have concerns about vaccines. how important are they?
Flu and COVID-19 vaccines reduce the chance of severe illness, hospitalization and death. Everyone over the age of 6 months should be vaccinated against the flu and is also eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
“COVID-19 vaccine fatigue and hesitation are impacting flu vaccination coverage,” Katugaha said. This is about the same as flu vaccination coverage in 2021. However, seasonal flu activity is increasing nationwide and higher than in 2021, making it more likely than ever to get a flu vaccination this season. has become important to .”
During the holiday season, when people are gathering and temperatures are dropping, “it’s important that our community is savvy and vigilant about the virus,” she said.
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For more information, see:
Here is information from the Nov. 29 CDC webinar on RSV, influenza and the current convergence of COVID-19:
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