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Potatoes, tomatoes can be sources

Potatoes, tomatoes can be sources


A female gardener is picking tomatoes with a bucket of potatoes at her feetShare on Pinterest
Researchers say solanaceous plants such as potatoes and tomatoes could be a potential source of new anticancer drugs.Getty Images
  • Researchers are investigating glycoalkaloids found in solanaceous plants such as tomatoes and potatoes as potential sources of new anticancer agents.
  • However, experts say there are many concerns about the toxic effects of these alkaloids.
  • They say more research is needed and clinical trials on these compounds could be years away.

vegetables such as potato Some say it may one day help us fight cancer study Completed at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland and published today in the journal The forefront of pharmacology.

In their study, researchers looked at bioactive compounds called glycoalkaloids and how they might play a role in preventing or treating cancer.

Bioactive compounds are chemicals found in fruits and vegetables that can promote health.glycoalkaloids are solanaceous planttomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, etc.

Solanaceous plants produce alkaloids as a defense against plant-eating animals. Some are poisonous. But researchers say it could turn poison into medicine if they can find a safe, therapeutic dose.

“Particular care should be taken when considering potato glycoalkaloids such as alpha-solanine and chaconine (they are found in green potatoes, which is why I removed the green part),” he said. Jessica CooperstonePh.D., Investigator in the Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention Research Program at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center and Assistant Professor of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

“These can be very toxic to humans. What’s good at low or moderate doses, or even essential, can be toxic when administered at high levels,” she told Healthline. rice field.

Scientists in a recent study looked at five alkaloids in particular and how they might be effective in treating cancer.

  • Solanine – may stop carcinogens in the body and inhibit metastases
  • Chaconine – has anti-inflammatory properties and may treat sepsis
  • Solasonine – Prevents regeneration of liver cancer cells and may serve as a complementary treatment in combating anticancer drug resistance
  • Thoramagin – thought to attack cancer stem cells
  • Tomatin – Helps regulate the body’s cell cycle and may be used to kill cancer cells

Glycoalkaloids can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Some studies suggest that they are non-toxic and pose no risk of damaging DNA or causing future tumors.

but, 2008 study It turned out to be the exact opposite. When the potatoes start sprouting Increased glycoalkaloid contentEating a small amount of sprouted potatoes can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, usually within hours of eating. Higher consumption levels can cause a drop in blood pressure, rapid pulse, fever, headache, confusion, and in extreme cases, death.

may also have some glycoalkaloids Negative effects on the reproductive system.

a Studies published in 2018 found that sprouted potatoes were associated with neonatal anencephaly and cleft lip.

“We know that scientists have derived many of the originals from the last century. chemical treatment Antibiotics from nature’s bacteria, microbes and plants.” Doctor.Santosh KesariNeuro-Oncologist and Director of Neuro-Oncology, Providence St. John’s Health Center and Chair of the Division of Translational Neuroscience and Neuro-Therapeutics, St. John’s Cancer Institute, California, Providence, Southern California He is also the Regional Medical Director of the Research and Clinical Laboratory at .

“Also, at present, natural products “Plants, algae, vegetables, and even marine sources from microclimates around the world,” Kesari told Healthline. , and further research is needed.”

Magdalena WinkielPh.D. Adam Mickiewicz, Ph.D., University student and lead author of the study, said that if glycoalkaloids cannot replace current anticancer agents, they may enhance the efficacy of some treatments. This suggests that it may be used as a combination therapy with

To further evaluate how glycoalkaloids can help fight cancer, a detailed understanding of the properties of glycoalkaloids is needed.

“There is an important difference between eating fruits and vegetables for health (often preventive) and mining plant material for potentially bioactive medicines (often therapeutic). There is,” said Cooperstone.

“Although there are many studies showing the benefits of eating plant foods for lowering cancer risk, there is little conclusive evidence about the effects of specific compounds or specific foods.

The next step is to use in vitro Animal model studies to determine safety and efficacy before moving to human trials. In vitro is Latin for “in a glass”.

It usually refers to research done in the laboratory with cells grown in petri dishes or test tubes. It can provide a controlled environment for testing.

However, the results should be analyzed with caution because they occur in a remote location. The next stage may not come as soon as expected.

“Trials of solanaceous alkaloids for cancer treatment are not yet in animal studies, and human clinical trials are a long way off,” says Cooperstone. It is in the development stage and a full investigation will require significant time and financial investment.”




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